¦p¦ó±µ«Ý¥~°ê¤Í¤H----------------------------------------------Lisa ·|«È«Ç


# How can you entertain your foreign guests:
1. Check out their schedule to see how much time they have staying here.
2. Ask their preferences on food, sightseeing spots, travel pace, etc. Usually they are quite open on what they¡¦d like to do, eat, or see.
3. Try to meet their expectations.

# What¡¦s the appropriate attitude to foreigners when communicating in English?
Try to remember:
1. English is not your native language, so perfection is not essential.
2. Try to relax yourself yet make your point.
3. Treat them like your friends and look at them in the eyes when talking.
4. If you are too nervous, your foreign friends will feel nervous too. Try not to create the tension.










Topic: ¦p¦ó±µ«Ý¥~°ê¤Í¤H 
---- ¬Õ¬ì¼Æ½X°Ê¤O ­º®u°ÆÁ`µô

(know more about Ĭ¶¯....)

¡@Scene 3-1    Scene 3-2    Scene 3-3

<Scene 3-1>
Lisa ¡G¤j®a¦n¡AÅwªï¦¬¬Ý¬D¾Ô­^¤åAction English ¡ALisa·|«È«Ç¡C¤µ¤Ñªº¨Ó»«­n±Ð¤j®a«ç»ò°µ¡u¶W¯Å¤j°ê¥Á¡v¡Q«ç»òÀ°¨Ó³Xªº¥~»«°µ¤@­Ó«Ü¦nªºªF¹D¥D¡C«Ý·|¦A¤¶²Ð¥L¥X¨Ó¡A§Ú­Ì¥ý¬Ý¥Lªº­Ó¤H¤pÀɮסC

Lisa : Åwªï¦^¨ì²{³õ¡C¤j®a¬Ý¨ì§Ú­Ì¯S§O¨Ó»«ªº­Ó¤H¤pÀɮפF¶Ü? ¥L´N¬ORaymond SoĬ¶¯¡AĬ¥ý¥Í¡A§Ú­Ì¨Ó¤¶²Ð¥Lµ¹¤j®a»{ÃÑ¡C

Raymond : ¤j®a¦n¡A«D±`°ª¿³¦b³o¸Ì¸ò¤j®a¤À¨É¤@¤U§Úªº¸gÅç¡C

Lisa : OK, ¥¿¦p§Ú­Ì­è¤~©Ò»¡ªº¡A§Ú­Ì¤µ¤Ñ½Ð¨ìRaymond¨Ó¡A­n¸ò§Ú­Ì¤¶²Ð¤@¤U¡u«ç»ò¦n¦n¦a°µ¤@­ÓªF¹D¥D¡v¡A¦]¬°Raymond¦b¥Lªº¾ã¬q¨Æ·~·í¤¤¡A´¿¸gªï±µ¹L¤£¤Öªº¥~»«¡AµM«á¤]©Û«Ý¹L¦Û¤v¤£¤Öªº«È¤á¡A·íµM¦³¤@¨Ç³õ¦X³£¬O¥Î­^¤åªº¡A«ç»ò¼Ë¦n¦n¦a¨Ï¥Î­^¤å?´N¬O³o¤@¶°¥D­n­n½Íªº¥DÃD¡C So Raymond, what can you tell us about entertaining your guest, either from overseas or from local? 

Raymond : In fact, let's concentrate more on the overseas guests. Because the overseas guests, when they come to Taiwan, they're here on business, and after business, most of people would like to see more of Taiwan. And there are certain things that they're most interested about. Usually they want to go out and see things related to Taiwan. They like to see something more cultural. So, whenever they come here, I usually look at their itinerary, and see how much time they have. There are certain business travelers who really pack tight their schedule. So they never have time to go out.

Lisa : Right, fight in and out.

Raymond : Those people would like to spend an afternoon or day in Taiwan, and I ask them first. I usually¡K That's the most important thing. I think, it's don't never assume people would like what you suggest. So the best thing to do is ask them what they would like to do. Someone likes shopping. Someone would like to go to the museum. Someone would like to go to see the countryside. And different people got different types of requirements. So first thing is to ask them, and then try to tailor-made certain things to meet their expectation.

Lisa : Yes.

Raymond : A lot of people like to go to the museum because we have a very well-known "National Palace Museum". And then when you tell them of the National Palace Museum, you have to tell them, "Wow! There are a lot of good things there." And then most of the cases I would try to send someone to go with them, because they may not have enough time to go through everything. So, take them through the few important ones that they would never have to miss. And let them feel great about having seen the great things. So that's an important thing to do.

Lisa : Yeah, so you don't recommend wearing them out. You know, taking them through a long tour, a long visit.

Raymond : Yes, you're right.. Some people like to spend the whole day out, but there are a lot of people who want more leisure, a slower pace.

Lisa : Right.

Raymond : They go to one place, spend quality time there, and then go to another place. So, ask them, and they are all very open. Because, you know, western people they would not be shy about telling you what they want.

Lisa : You're right. And you know, that's exactly, when most people make the mistakes because some of the local people are so enthusiastic about taking their guests around.

Raymond : Yes, right. 

Lisa : So sometimes they pack everything into half day or one day, and really make their guests very tired.

Raymond : Yes, hospitality is not over doing it. 

Lisa : Right.

Raymond : Because if you take them out of the whole day, they may get so tired. You know, they may not be able to tell you how they feel, and they feel embarrassed to say, "No". But they would have to go through the torture. And they will leave Taiwan¡K 

Lisa : Without enjoyment.

Raymond : Without enjoyment, yes.

Lisa : Right. §Ú·QRaymond­è¸ò¤j®aÁ¿ªº¡A¤×¨ä³o­Ó«Øij¡A§A¥i¥H¥ý°Ý§Aªº³o¨ÇªB¤Í¡B¥~»«¥L­Ì·Q°µ¤°»ò¡H¦³¦h¤Öªº®É¶¡¡H ­n¥h°ÑÆ[³Õª«À]©O¡HÁÙ¬O­n¥hshoppingÁʪ«¦å«÷©O¡HÁÙ¬O­n¥h¬Ý¤@¨Ç¤å¤Æ¤§®È¤°»òªº¡C¦]¬°¨C­Ó¤H¦³¤£¦Pªº¿³½ì¡A°Ý¤F¤ñ¸û¦n¡C¦Ó¥B§Ú­Ì¤]½Í¨ì»¡¡A³Ì¦n¤£­n¦]¬°¦Û¤v«D±`ªº¼ö¤ß¡A§â¤H®aªº¦æµ{µ¹±Æªºº¡º¡ªº¡Aµ²ªG¤@¸ô´N¬O¤@ª½»°°Ú»°°Ú¡A±q¤@­Ó¦a¤è»°¨ì¥t¥~¤@­Ó¦a¤è¡A©ÎªÌ¬O»¡¹³Raymond­è¤~½Í¨ìªº¡A¦pªG§ä¤@­ÓªB¤Í³­µÛ¥L­Ì³o¼Ë¤l·|¦n¤@ÂI¡C¦]¬°¦³®É­Ô¡A§Y¨Ï¥h¬G®c³Õª«°|¡A¦³³o»ò¦hÄ_ÂÃ¥i¥H¬Ý¡A§A¤]¤£¯à°÷¤@¦¸¥þ³¡¬Ý§¹¡A´N¬O­«ÂI¦¡ªº·|¤ñ¸û¦n¡B¤ñ¸û»´ÃP¡CAlso, if they want, they can go back again anytime.

Raymond : Yes, right. Once they have been there, they have seen the good ones. And if they're interested, they can always go back again.

Lisa : Even on their own.

Raymond : Oh, yeah, right. The other thing that we have to be very careful when you receive an overseas guest is diet and food.

Lisa : Oh, right.

Raymond : We are so used to eating Chinese food. People coming to Taiwan, they really want to taste the very good a lot of Chinese food here. But don't over do it. And don't assume that they like the same thing as you do. We usually serve sea cucumbers. Some real things like Cantonese dimsum lunch. If you know that these people are not that cross-culture, don't order "chicken feet". That will scare them often. 

Lisa : Right.

Raymond : And even you like it so much, don't eat in front of them because they will turn around. 

Lisa : Their appetite will just be gone. ¦b³oÂIRaymond¤]¬O´£¨ì­n¤j®a¯S§Oª`·N¡A¦³®É­Ô¡A§Ú­Ì¦n³ßÅw¦Û¤vªº¤¤°êµæ¡Aµ²ªG¤]­n¹G¤H®a¦Y¡A©ÎªÌ»¡¦³¤@¨Ç«Ü©_©ÇªºªF¦è¡A¹³Raymond­èÁ¿¨º­Ó¡u»ñ¤ö¡v¡B¡uÂû¤ö¡v³oºØªF¦è¡A¥i¯à¨ä¹ê²{¦b«Ü¦h¹C¨«°ê»Úªº¥~°ê¤H¤h¬Ý¹L¡A¤£¹L©O¡A³Ì¦nÁÙ¬O¤£­n»´©ö¹Á¸Õ¡C§A´Nºâ¤£¹G¥L¦Y¡A¦Û¤v¦Y¡A¥i¯à¬Ýªº¤H®a¤]¤ßÅå¦×¸õªº¡C§Ú¦Û¤v´N¦³¤@­Ó³o¼Ë¤lªº¸gÅç¡C³Ìªñªº¤@¦¸·|ij¡A¥D¿ì³æ¦ì·Ç³Æ¤F«K·ílunchboxµ¹¥~°ê¤H¡AµM«á¸Ì­±¦³¤@­Ó´N¤@ª½¦b¨ºÃäį°ÊªºªF¦è¡A´N¬O¨º­ÓÄz¦Ì°µªºÂI¤ß¡A·íµM«È®aÂI¤ß¤j®a³£«Ü³ßÅw¡A¥i¬O¹ï©ó¨º­Ó¤£À´ªº¡B¤£ª¾¹Dªº¤H¡A¦³¤@­Ó¦Ñ¥~¦Y¨ºªF¦è®tÂI¶æ¦º¡A¶æ¦b¨º­Ó³ïÄV¸Ì­±¡C³o¸Ì­±¦³«Ü¦h«Ü¥i©Èªº¡A¤ñ¤è»¡¹³­W¥Ê¡B¹³¤@¨Ç¯uªº¤£ª¾¦WªºªF¦è¡B®üçx¡A¹³Raymond­è­è©ÒÁ¿ªº¡Asea cucumber³oºØªF¦è´N¯uªº¬O³Ì¦n¤£­n»´©ö¹Á¸Õ¡C§Ú·Q¦b³o¤@ÂI¤W¡ARaymond­Ë¬O´£¨Ñ§Ú­Ì«Ü¦hªº°Ñ¦Ò¡C«Ý·|§Ú­Ì¥ð®§¤@¤U¡A¦^¨Óªº®É­Ô¡A§Ú­Ì¦A¸òRaymondÄ~Äò²á¤@¨Ç¡u°µ«Ü¦nªº¤@­Ó¥D¤H¡A­nª`·N¤@¨Ç¤°»ò¨Æ±¡¡v¡C
<Scene 3-2> top
Lisa ¡G Åwªï¦^¨ì¬D¾Ô­^¤åAction Englishªº²{³õ¡C¤µ¤Ñ¯S§O¨Ó»«¬O¦b°µ ¡uªF¹D¥D¡v¡Q´N¬O¡u©Û«Ý¥~»«¡v¤è­±«D±`¦³¸gÅç¡B«D±`¦³¤ß±oªºRaymondĬ¶¯¡AĬ¥ý¥Í¡C¥L¨Ó§i¶D§Ú­ÌÀ³¸Óª`·Nªº¤@¨Ç¨Æ±¡¡A¦]¬°§Y¨Ï§A©Û«Ýªº¨Ã¤£¬O¤°»ò¦n¹³«Ü¤j¤Hª«¨º¤@Ãþªº¥~»«¡A¦ý¬O¥~°ê¤Í¤H¨Ó¨ì¥xÆW¡AÁ`¬O§Æ±æ¥L¯à°÷»«¦Ü¦pÂk¡C What else can you tell us, Raymond, in your years of years of experience?

Raymond : The other thing you got to do is to keep a good sense of humor. When you take people around, you would just telling everybody that in Taiwan there are still a lot of things that not perfect yet, and there are a lot of problems which we get so used to it. The people may not be aware of whether they will get a shock, like "he traffic". I still remember, now that the traffic is much better, I still remember like ten years ago when people come to Taiwan, they were shocked by these scooters, motorcycles going, skipping lanes, zigzagging. And then taxis or cars making U-Turns without¡K

Lisa : Anywhere they want.

Raymond : Yeah, without observing any driving code. So people get so scared in the car, and they called them "code type" taxi. So you got to have sense of humor. When you see them doing that, you tried to make fun of like, the traffic, and turn it into positive thing. One very good example that I have is I once had guest who got so scared. "How come you let these people drive like this in Taipei?" and I said, "Well, this is free China. You are free to do what you want. You can drive freely in Taiwan." So you got to have that sense of humor. Turn it around into something that everybody is got there, giving a laugh.

Lisa : What about garbage problem? You know, they are dealing with it now but is still found to be more messy city than other cosmopolitans, such as Paris, of course, you know, London. 

Raymond : Well, the garbage problem is something that still difficult to handle. Usually, the foreigners see the way we treat garbage, they will still also have a very surprising look in their face. Then I will tell them we Chinese produce too much garbage, and it takes time to take care of it and fix it. So we're still waiting for a good solution. We'll start to have a conversation on how different countries treat garbage and how do people take care of these problems in their hometown or home country. So, my best policy is to try to divert these negative things into something like a discussion, or even become a way to get suggestions from these foreign friends. So, they did feel like they are here in Taiwan to contribute to the well-being of everybody in Taiwan. So they even feel good about it.

Lisa : Raymond­è­è´£¨Ñ¨â­Ó«D±`¦nªºµ¦²¤¡A¤@­Ó´N¬O¦bÁ¿¥æ³q²V¶Ãªºª¬ªpªº®É­Ô¡A¥Î¤@ÂI«ÕÀq·P¡AµM«á´N¶}¤F­Óª±¯º¡CRaymond³o­Óª±¯º§K¶O´£¨Ñµ¹¤j®a¡Afree, free of charge, ´N¬O»¡¦pªG¥~°ê¤H«Üºò±i¡A¤ÚµÛ¨º­Ó¨®¤l¡A¤ñ¤è­pµ{¨®¡A¬Ý¨ì³o»ò¦hªº¼¯¦«¨®³o¼Ë¶]¨Ó¶]¥h¡AµM«á¨ì³B³£¬O¥i¥HÀH®ÉÂà³o­Ó¤è¦V¡BÂ਺­Ó¤è¦V¡A§A­Ë¬O¥i¥H»¡³o­Ó´N¬Ofree China¡u¦Û¥Ñ¤¤°ê¡v¡C§A¦pªG¯uªº¬O¥h¤@­Ó¤£¦Û¥Ñªº¦a¤è¡A¥i¯à´N¬Ý¤£¨ì³oºØ´º¶H¤F¡C³o¬O¤@­Óµ¦²¤¡A´N¬O¡u«ÕÀq·PªºÀ³¥Î¡v¡C¥t¥~§Ú­Ì½Í¨ì¡A¦pªG¥L»¡¥x¥_©Î°ª¶¯©Î­þùØ©U§£¤Ó¦hªº¸Ü¡ARaymond­Ë¬OÆZ¸Û¹êªº»¡¡A³o­Ó¨S¦³¿ìªk¥h°ä¹L¥h¡C©Ò¥H°£¤F©Ó»{§Ú­Ìªº½T©U§£¥²¶·­n´î¶q¡A§Ú­Ì­n¬Ý°¨¥«ªø³o¤@®M¯à¤£¯à°÷¦æªº³q¡AµM«á¥t¥~§A¥i¥H±q©Ó»{¡A¸ò¥L­Ì¦b²á¤Ñªº¹Lµ{¤¤¡A¥L­Ì¦ÛµM´N·|»¡¡A¤ñ¤è»¡ : ¡u§A­Ìªº³o­Ó«°¥««ç»ò¼Ë¥h³B²z©U§£°ÝÃD¡v¡A¤S¥i¥H¾É¤J¥t¥~¤@­Ó«ÜÂ×´Iªº¤@­Ó°Q½×¡A¦Ó¥B±q¦¹¡A¹³¥~°êªB¤Í¥i¯à·|ı±o¥L¥i¥H°µ¤@ÂI«Øij¡A§â¥L­Ì¨ºÃ䪺¸gÅç´£¨Ñµ¹§Ú­Ì¡A³o¼Ë¥L¤Sı±o¹ï³o­Ó¦a¤è¦³¦h¤@¥÷ªº¦n·P¡B¦h¤@¥÷ªº¿Ë¤Á·P¡A©Ò¥H§A¬Ý¨ì¨S¦³¡ARaymond¬O«D±`¼F®`ªº¡A¯à°÷¥h¥Î«ÕÀq·P¥h°ä¹Lªº´N°ä¡A¦pªG¤£¯àªº¸Ü¡A¤]¯à°÷¾É¤J¥t¥~¤@­Ó°Q½×ªºªÅ¶¡¡CWhat other issues, say you ever met, you know, could be embarrassing but still safe for the day?

Raymond : Well, to a lot of foreign friends, when they come to Taiwan, another thing that they don't get used to is the way that we speak English. Because in Taiwan not many people speak very good English, at the same time because of historical reasons, whenever you see a white-skinned person, the westerner, you start to get nervous. We start to get¡K You don't know what you should do. So a lot of people get too nervous that they will¡K

Lisa : Make fun of themselves. 

Raymond : Yeah, they make mistakes and they get so embarrassed. And these things add one to each other. So my suggestion actually is to be free and feel easy when you see a western friend. Treat them as any other Chinese friend. Treat them as another human being. Look at them equal and eye to eye. And then you will feel at ease. Then you talk freely. You can act in your normal way and you don't get nervous. And in that respect your friend, your foreign visitor can actually feel much better. Because once he sees that you're very nervous, he sees that you don't really know what to do, he himself gets nervous also. And he would have to try to calm you down, and he may not be able to talk to you straight on the business. So the suggestion is to calm down, think of yourself as at the equal position as your foreign partner or friend. And then be yourself, relax and be yourself.

Lisa : Raymondµ¹ªº«Øij¯uªº¬O«D±`¦n¡A¨ä¹ê¤£¥u¬O«ç»ò¼Ë¥h±µ«Ý§Aªº¥~°êªB¤Í¡A¬Æ¦Ü¦b§A¨Ï¥Î­^¤åªº®É­Ô¡AÀ³¸Ó³£¦³³o¼Ë¤lªººA«×¡A´N¬O¡A§â¥L·í§@¤@­Ó¹ïµ¥ªº¡B¤¬¬Û´L­«ªº¤@­Ó­ÓÅé¡A¨º³o¼Ë¤l§A§NÀR¤U¨Ó¡A´Nºâ§Aªº­^¤å«Ü¯} ¡Q´Nºâ¥¦«Ü¦³­­¨î¡A¤£¬O¥i¥H»¡³o»ò¦h¡A¦ý¬O¦b¦³­­ªºªÅ¶¡¸Ì­±¡AÁÙ¬O¥i¥H¶Ç¹F©¼¦¹¤§¶¡ªº³oºØ«H¥ôÃö«Y¡A©Î«Ø¥ß¤@ºØ¤Í½Ë¡C§Ú­ÌÁÙ·|¦^¨ÓÄ~Äò¸òRaymond¨Ó²á¡A§Ú­Ì¥ý¥ð®§¤@¤U¡C
<Scene 3-3> top
Lisa ¡G Åwªï¤j®a¦^¨ìAction English¬D¾Ô­^¤åªº²{³õ¡C¤µ¤Ñ¸ò§Ú­Ì¨Ó²á¤Ñªº¯S§O¨Ó»«¬ORaymondĬ¶¯¡AĬ¥ý¥Í¡CRaymond­è¤~´£¨Ñ¤F«D±`¦h«Ø³]©Êªº·Qªk¡A§Ú­Ì¦b°µ¤@­ÓªF¹D¥D¡Q§Ú­Ì¦b°µ¥D¤H¡A«ç»ò©Û«Ý«È¤Hªº®É­Ô¡A¤×¨ä¬O¨Ï¥Î¨ì­^¤å±µ«Ý¥~»«ªº®É­Ô¡A­nª`·Nªº¤@¨Ç¨Æ±¡¡C·íµM¡ARaymond´£ªº«Øij³£¬O«D±`¹ê»Ú¡A§Ú­Ì¦b²{¹ê¥Í¬¡¸Ì­±´X¥G³£¥i¥H¥Î¨ìªº¡A§Æ±æ¤j®a¯à°÷¦n¦nªº§â´¤¡CAnd Raymond, what else you want to tell us, for instance, some of the language jokes, communication, misunderstanding, misinterpretations that you ever witness? 

Raymond : Well, I saw too many trouble. I think I may not be able to recall any one of them. In most of the cases what I saw as the most embarrassing is a situation when a foreign friend has a very strong accent. You know, there're people has very strong accent. 

Lisa : They're coming from Ireland, or Australia.

Raymond : And they usually¡K If they come to Asia a lot, and they have been working or interacting with Asians a lot. they know that when they come to Asia they have to speak slower but they have to speak much more clearer. But if they're new to Asia, they get excited then they will go bla-bla-bla as the native speaking way. And at that time use a lot of slang. You just sit there. You really don't understand a word that they say because the accent was so strong. So under those circumstances, my suggestion is that you definitely got to be honest. Don't pretend that you understand everything. First of all is very natural, it's a hundred percent acceptable that you can not understand what he's saying because English is not our mother tongue. He will be much happy if he can speak Chinese. A lot foreign friends always tell me, "Oh, Raymond, you say your English is not good enough, but I envy you so much because you can already speak English. I can't speak a word of Chinese." So think about that and don't worry about telling him or letting him know that you don't understand what he's saying. So, if he really gets excited, you just tell him, "Hey, John, I'm sorry. You are so excited and you're talking real English." Making him humor, because real English, "These are the real English that I don't know, can you repeat it?" and make it fun for him to repeat it. And don't embarrass yourself. And don't embarrass him. A good thing you should try to practice.

Lisa : Flattery will get you everywhere and anywhere. Raymond­è¤~¸ò§Ú­ÌÁ¿¤F¤@­Ó¡A§Ú·Q©Ò¦³¤H¤j·§³£¯à°÷·Q¹³©Î¤w¸g¸I¨ì¹Lªº¤@ºØ±¡ªp¡A¦]¬°§Ú­Ìªº³o¨Ç¥~»«¡A¦³®É­Ô¥L¨Ó¦Û¿D¬w¡A¦³®É­Ô¨Ó¦Û·Rº¸Äõ¡A¦³®É­Ô¨Ó¦Û¦L«×¡A¦pªG§A¦³±µÄ²¹L³o¨Ç¦a¤èªº¤H§A´Nª¾¹D¡A¥L­Ìªº­^¤å¸ò§A¼ô±xªº¡u¬ü¦¡­^»y¡vªº¸Ü¡A©ÎªÌ¡u­^¦¡­^»y¡v¬O§¹¥þ¤£¦Pªº¡A©Ò¥H·í§AªºªB¤Í¤S«Ü¼ö±¡¡B¥L¤S«Ü¶}¤ß§A©Û«Ýªº«Ü¦nªº®É­Ô¡A¥L¤Ï¦Ó·|¶VÁ¿¶V§Ö¡AµM«á¤S¤g»y°Õ¡B«Z»y°Õ¡B«U»y¤°»ò³£¥X¨Ó¤F¡CRaymond´N¬O«Øij¤j®a¡A¦pªG§A¸I¨ì³oºØª¬ªp¡A§A´N¤£­n«È®ð¡A´N¬O¥Î¤@ºØ«D±`¥¿±`ªº¤èªk¨Óªí¹F»¡ : ¡u§A­èÁ¿¤°»ò¡A§A¥i¯à»Ý­n¦A­«½Æ¡v¡C¤£¹LRaymond«D±`§Þ¥©¦a±Ð¤j®a¡A´N¬O»¡¡u§AÁ¿ªº­^¤å¹ê¦b¬O¯u¥¿ªº­^¤å¡B¤Ó¦nªº­^¤å¡A©Ò¥H§Ú¨S¦³¿ìªk¤@¤U¤lÅ¥À´¡v¡A¨º»ò³o¼Ë¤]¤£¶Ë®`¥L¡B¤]¤£¶Ë®`¦Û¤v¡C¦]¬°§Ú·Q³o¤@ÂI¬Û·í­«­n¡A¦]¬°¤£¶Ë®`§O¤H¡A¤~Åý¥L¦³¿³½ìÄ~Äò¸ò§AÁ¿¸Ü¡Q¨º¤£¶Ë®`¦Û¤v¡A§Úı±oÁöµM»¡«Ü¤Ö¤H½Í¨ì¡A¥i³o­Ó¤]«Ü­«­n¡A¦]¬°§A¦pªG¬O¦]¬°Å¥¤£À´¦Ó¨ü¨ì¶Ë®`ªº¸Ü¡A³o¼Ë¤l¥i¯à¹ï³o­Ó»y¨¥ªº®`©È´N·|¼W¥[¤F¡A¨ä¹ê¬O¤£§Q©ó§AÄ~Äò±q¨Æ³oºØ»y¨¥ªº¥æ¬y¡CSo, Raymond, what other points to make in situation like this? Meeting a foreign friend language wise or non-language wise.

Raymond : I think there's something related to non English. You know, language is something important but another thing is the usual habit of the foreign friends. Because we come from different cultural background, there are different people from different countries with different habits. So you have to understand the type of habit does the other person has. So you don't get irritated by what they are doing, vice versa you won't irritate them by doing something that they do not like.

Lisa : Especially when you do it innocently. You don't mean it.

Raymond : That's right. So understand the culture, the particular person, and the way they usually do certain things in their own country. Do some homework before you receive your friend. And in business or even in friendly terms, if you're receiving your friend, try to find out more about this person. Like, for instance, I still remember our big boss, the chairman of the WPP group, when he comes to Taiwan, we found out from his secretary what he eats and what he doesn't eat first. 

Lisa : Really? He has like and dislike?

Raymond : Yes, he doesn't like shellfish. So, if you take him to seafood dinner and you ordered all these seafood for him, he would be embarrassed. He couldn't eat it. And my future will be like ... So, these are things you got do or some good preparation will to find out more about this person, his like and dislike, his habits so you can make him feel very much at home. If a person feels at home, then he'll be enjoying his trip.

Lisa : If I can add to that even ask him when he gets here, probably that will be a policy.

Raymond : Whenever you're treating people to dinner, the first thing you do before you order food is to ask him. "Is there anything you eat or is there anything you don't eat?", "Chili stuff, how the spicy you want?" Ask, be open and get yourself prepared good.

Lisa : Raymond­è¤~¤¶²Ð´N¬O¡A¥L§â¥L­Ó¤Hªº¯µ³Z³£³zÅS¥X¨Ó¡A©Û«Ý¤j¦ÑÁó¡A¥L­Ìªº¤j¦ÑÁó±qÁ`³¡¨Ó¡A¨º»ò´N±q¤j¦ÑÁ󪺯µ®Ñ¨ºÃä´N¤F¸Ñ¨ì¥L¨Ã¤£³ßÅw®üÂA¡A´N¬O¨ººØ¥Ò´ßÃþªºªF¦è¡C·Q·Q¬Ý¡A¦pªG¥L¨Ó¥xÆW¡A¤j·§©Ò¦³¥xÆW¤H²Ä¤@­Óª½Ä±³£¬O¡u¥xÆWªº®üÂA«Ü¦n¡A§Ú­Ì¤@©w­n§âªB¤Í±a¨ì®üÂAÀ\ÆU¡v¡B¡u¨º¤]¬O³Ì¶Q¡A³o¼Ë¤l¬O³Ì¦nªº©Û«Ý¡v¡Aµ²ªG¥i¯à¬O¸ò§A·Qªº­è¦n¬Û¤Ï¡CRaymond­è¶}¤F¤@­Óª±¯º¡A¤£¾å±o¤j®aÅ¥¨ì¤F¨S¦³¡A¦pªG»¡¥L¯uªº±a¥L¥h®üÂAÀ\ÆUªº¸Ü¡A¨º»ò¤£¬O«e³~´N¯í¯í¤F¶Ü?©Ò¥H¤j®a¥i¥H¤F¸Ñ¨ì¡ARaymond, all through the programs been using his sense of humor, so what do you recommend people do to cultivate their sense of humor, anyhow?

Raymond : Sense of humor to a certain extent comes from exposure. You know, you have to be able to meet a lot of different people. You know, different people they with different personalities, and the way that they treat others, and knowing more people will help you develop the sense of humor. And just relax, be yourself. Everybody got a good sense of humor. It's just that you've been controlling it. Most of people suppress themselves and make fun of their way. The best sense of humor is make fun of yourself.

Lisa : Right, not others. Though some people do it the other way around.

Lisa : OK. ¤µ¤ÑRaymond¸ò§Ú­Ì¤À¨É¤F«Ü¦h¡A¯uªº¬O³s§Ú¦Û¤v³£¨SÅ¥¹Lªº¤@¨Ç¥Lªº¯µ³Z¡A«D±`°ª¿³§Ú­Ìªº¯S§O¨Ó»«¯à°÷³o»ò¼Ë©ZµM¡B¶}¸Û§G¤½¦a§â¥Lªº¯µ³Z¤À¨Éµ¹¤j®a¡C«D±`ÁÂÁÂRaymond¸ò§Ú­Ì²á¤F¨º»ò¤[¡A¤]ÁÂÁ¤j®aªº¦¬¬Ý¡A¤£­n§Ñ¤F¤U¦¸¤@©w­n·Ç®É¦A¦¬¬Ý§Ú­ÌªºAction English¬D¾Ô­^¤å³o­Ó¸`¥Ø¡CBye!

Casey ±MÄæ
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