如何自學一口流利的英文---------------------------------------Lisa 會客室


# Ways to learn English—
1.Keep yourself interested in learning through doing something you really like such as listening to music, reading, or seeing movies. 
2.Then, really learn from it. For example, you should look up new vocabularies in your dictionary.

# When you encounter "bottle neck" in learning English---try to be patient. Do not give up easily. It takes time to pick up the accent, tempo, or intonation of any language.

# Three steps to learn English:
1.Listen carefully to a good teacher or native speaker for correct pronunciation and usage.
2.Imitate the way English is spoken or used.
3.Practice again and again until you familiarize yourself with the usage.










Topic: 如何自學一口流利的英文

(know more about 鄭開來....)

 Scene 3-1    Scene 3-2    Scene 3-3

<Scene 3-1>
Lisa :  各位觀眾大家好,歡迎收看挑戰英文Action English, Lisa會客室。今天請到特別來賓是哪一位呢?我們先看他的個人小檔案。

Lisa:歡迎大家回到現場。各位看到剛才來賓的個人小檔案,應該已經知道了,我們今天的特別來賓就是,廣播界的名人--鄭開來,他的英文名字是Kyle。 Kyle跟我們觀眾打個招呼。

Kyle: Lisa你好,還有各位觀眾朋友大家好。


Kyle: Right.

Lisa:當然年輕朋友們,尤其是我們觀眾,大部份都是年齡層比較是在15到25歲之間的這樣子的觀眾。他們一定很想知道,你是怎麼樣讓自己對語言英文有興趣;然後怎麼樣從,比方像歌曲、聽歌曲學英文等等這些經驗,所以我們特別請Kyle來跟我們分享。Would you care to talk to us about how you started the learning process?

Kyle: Sure, as you mentioned before , 「興趣」,to keep yourself interested is very important. So, my suggestion would be to find something that you're really interested in. For example, for me, well, while I was growing up, I was very interested in music. So, listening to the songs by the Carpenters, and groups, like "the Eagles", kind of old I know.

Lisa: Carpenters, right. It's like a taboo to the Westerners you know.

Kyle: So and I really like the melody, and also I would like to find out more about what they were actually singing. So then I would start to look up the words in the dictionaries. And in the meantime, keep listening to the music. So, that really worked for me. I remember there was one time in a class, the teacher gave us a test. And the test was she handed out a piece of blank paper to everyone in the class, and she just said, "OK, students, now, write down every word you know.", "Every English vocabulary you know on this piece of paper ". And I remember I finished one paper very quickly. And I looked at the other students, they were still going like "What word do I know?". But I already finished one paper. And I raised my hand, I said, "Teacher, can I have one more paper?" And then after I finished the test, my teacher asked me, "So how come you know so many words? Even there are some words that I don't know. I have to look up in the dictionary." I said, "I learned these words from the English songs" and she goes "OK, now I understand". So that's really important for me. I know that not everyone is interested in music. For example, if you're interested in cars, you can start by reading car and auto magazines. Or if you're interested in sports, you can start by reading Sports Illustrated. Plus, in Sports Illustrated, there are some pretty babes in swimsuits.

Lisa: Right, talk about babes. 

Kyle: And if you're interested in finding information on the internet, you can do web surfing and try to learn your vocabulary from the things that you're really interested in.

Lisa: Yeah, that's great. Because you know, talking about “babes”, that's a very hard pronunciation for the locals.

Kyle: Is it?

Lisa:對呀!以前有一個團體結果沒有做起來,就是那個L.A.Boys的師妹,她們叫 “Babes”,結果因為大家都不會發Babes這樣子的發音,大家都講Baby、Babies。所以我就覺得,好像在有一些本地人在學的時候,「發音」也是很難。就像我們講DJ、VJ,常常他們都DJ,然後VJ。


Lisa: OK. You know 講到這個就很好玩,因為想到Carpenters, Karen Carpenters當然是厭食症過去的,我就想到很多人真的到現在為止,都會唱 Every sha la la la...

Kyle:對,而且我很surprised就是,有一次在一個診所裡面,收音機在播這首歌, 然後旁邊那個要看牙齒的;那個是十幾歲的小妹妹,他們出生的時候,可能卡本特都已經死掉了。




Kyle:而且你剛剛提到說 pronunciation的問題,其實我覺得從聽英文歌也可以訓練你的音感。因為我覺得一個 language,他其實就是,他是有一定的rhythm跟音感的,你要怎麼樣去捉住那個感覺?我覺得聽那個Do Re Mi Fa So 可以幫你訓練。





Lisa:對,「瞪你媽」,所以這個是相當好玩的。像Carpenters,為什麼我剛剛講說它是 taboo?因為老外一聽到這種 easy listening 的就…… 現在當然叫 adult adult chart,可是聽起來就是「哇」,好像很拒絕不是 rock、不是經典的那些東西。

Kyle:你讓我想到一個蠻好笑的事情。就是,我有一些朋友,他們是從美國回來的 ABC。在他們而言,他們所謂的 “pop music”,是一些我們台灣覺得說是很 alternative的一些藝人。


Kyle:對,可是其實像我剛剛提到說什麼 Carpenters,或是什麼胡立歐,他們覺得那個才另類。






Kyle:我們都聽 alternative;那個才是mainstream。

Lisa:對。我還記得我碰到一個 MTV 的主管,他講到 Carpenters就一直笑,然後在笑一個什麼事情?就是「台灣到現在為止還在聽 Air Supply 的歌」。因為 Air Supply 事實上只能夠到台灣這樣子的地方來開演唱會,不過講到 Air Supply,我就有點好笑了。因為 Air Supply被翻成「空中補給」對不對?這其實也是一個英文的一個誤會。因為事實上,Air Supply means “the supply of air",其實就是「空氣的 supply」、「氧氣的補給」。

Kyle:不過翻譯好像常常會有一些牛頭不對馬嘴的事情發生,像其實電影也是。像我很喜歡的一部電影,叫做 <Out of Africa>,他把它翻成 <遠離非洲>。其實這個out of是 The story is coming out of Africa. 

Lisa: Right, the story is actually about Africa.

Kyle: Yeah,在非洲所發生的故事,剛好翻成 <遠離>,kind of strange. 

Lisa:你知道嗎?這個「遠離」其實對語言的影響很大,因為大家很習慣"out of Africa" <遠離非洲>,結果你知道,後來有一個英文的 expression,叫做 out of the blue,就是說「晴天霹靂」,就是 out of nowhere suddenly,就突然發生。結果他們就翻譯成<遠離憂鬱>,There you go,所以你看,歌曲或電影影響語言的學習還蠻大的。

Kyle:所以如果你的語言能力到了一定的 level,其實你可以去抓那些小錯誤,其實那也是一件蠻快樂的事情。



Lisa: Go ahead.

Kyle:因為我去年十月去法國,學了五個月的語言學校。我回來之後,在今年的絕色影展有四部法國片,當中有一部他就是裡面有講到一個名詞,叫做 PAX。 PAX是去年才在法國立案通過的一個同性戀的合法婚姻的一個制度、一個保障的法律。可能是因為去年才通過的,所以非常的新,可能在台灣負責翻譯語言的人,他可能沒有update,沒有聽過這件事、沒有讓自己跟這個最新的資訊有接觸,所以他就把這個翻成很怪的那種什麼「國際條例」這樣子,就跟原來的就是意思差很多。

Lisa:對。跟鄭開來 Kyle聊天非常好玩,我們先休息片刻再回到現場。
<Scene 3-2> top
Lisa : 歡迎大家回到現場,我們今天的特別來賓是鄭開來 Kyle。 Kyle, would you care to tell us you know, all this time when you study the language, now using it so often, what kinds of experience you had, bad ones, good ones about the language you can share with us?

Kyle: I guess I am very lucky because most of the experience that I have were pleasant ones. For example, I am very grateful for my teachers because they are all very kind, and very encouraging. I think that's very important. When you encounter some problems, there are someone there to support you and to give you encouragement instead of scolding you, "You are terrible. You are so stupid." I know a lot of Taiwanese students they had bad experience before. Scolded by teacher and whatever. So I guess I am very lucky but also I have some problems when I learned French. For example, I've written two books about my experiences learning English, but my experiences happened long time ago like ten years ago. So I kind of forget all. So in order to refresh my memories, I figure I have to find something similar to that experience. So I decided to learn a new language. And by learning a new language-- the French, I experienced what I experienced before when I learn English. I remember when I finished my three-month study in Paris, I came back to Taiwan to get three months' break. And I returned again. That's when the problem happened. During the first two weeks, I had listening problem. Because the teacher was talking very fast, and all the other students that remain in the class, they continued the class, they didn't do what I did which is came back to their native country, and sort of kept the distance from the language. So it took me two weeks to get used to the speed of my teacher's French, and to everything what they speak on the TV and on the radio. And at that time, I was already depressed. And I also told my friends, "I want to go back to Taiwan. The language is too difficult. I don't wanna learn it any more." But my friend who has been there for three years and he told me, he patted on my shoulder. He said, "No problem 啦. You gonna get by. It takes time, you know." So after two weeks…

Lisa: Everything came back. 

Kyle: Yeah, just like what my friend told me. It takes time. So my advice would be when you encounter sort of like a "bottleneck" 「瓶頸」的時候, just be patient. It takes time

Lisa: Right, you know I find…

Kyle: And don't give up so easily.

Lisa: Right, that's very good. And one thing I find about your French. Actually I was able to listen in to some French that you had on the air-waves and from English. I would say that you really got the very good pronunciation, very American style pronunciation.

Kyle: Thank you. 

Lisa: Even without going for long time to the States, right? What can you say about the accent? How did you pick up the accent? 

Kyle: I was very fortunate to have some friends who are native speakers. When I was in school, we had an English club. And our teachers were two missionaries from the United States. So I became friend with them, and I would have a lot of opportunities to practice my English with them. 

Lisa: It's also the same process, listening and then imitate and repeat. And then you…

Kyle: Like a parrot.

Lisa: Yeah, mockingbird. And you know, because I find it curious because if you listen to Celine Dion songs in French, you notice somewhat different French accent about her French because she was taught in Canada instead of in Paris.

Kyle: Quebec.

Lisa: Right, you know, if you listen to an American speaking French, you may find the American accent to be still in the French. 

Kyle: Or vice versa the French persons speaking English.

Lisa: Right it's "possible". So we were talking about the possibility for Chinese people, or Taiwanese people to really master the two languages. Just like you, without any kind of foreign accent, not like an American speak in French, or Frenchman speaking English, so what do you feel about that? 

Kyle: Again, it depends on a good teacher I guess. So I was very lucky to have very good teachers who have good pronunciation. And they enunciate every word very clearly. And I guess it's also a gift. A gift to imitate. But again I would like to stress that for me, to learn a language, the main purpose of learning a language is to be able to communicate. So for me, if you have an accent, it's not a big deal. 

Lisa: It's OK, right.

Kyle: Like Arnold Schwarzenegger, he has a very big German accent because he is Austrian. 

Lisa: Right.

Kyle: "I'll be back". Every American loves him for his accent.

Lisa: It's funny to say that, on the radio wave, I heard a local DJ saying the same line, "I'll be back" but in the wrong way. The guy said, "I'll back". The "be" is missing anyhow. So, it's very fun. And I also notice one thing about your speaking is that you speak more or less in the native language way instead of a Chinese English or Chinglish way. We were also discussing another DJ whose English is beautiful, who taught himself in Taiwan, but with certain kind of Chinglish, Chinese English. So how do you manage not to get involved in that kind of language?

Kyle: I think language is like a river. It's constant in changing. So to keep yourself updated is very important. And I think go to the movies is a very good way because the movies are a reflection of the current situation in every country. So from the movies, you can pick up the most modern phrases or slangs or dialects. So, for me it's a very good way.

Lisa: Or dirty jokes?

Kyle: Yeah, besides, when you go to the movies, you can learn English. You can also avoid the heat of the summer.

Lisa: Right, stay cool.

Kyle: When it's hot outside, just go to the movie cinema. And do you say "movie cinema"? because it's the French way "cinema".

Lisa: Yeah, any which way.

Kyle: Sometimes I mix the two languages you know. 

Lisa: That's OK. European way. Half European and half American. 跟 Kyle聊天,我們聊到,其實你會發現 Kyle的英文的 speaking比很多我們聽到的台灣的 DJ都要 smart很多。


Lisa:混在一起,對。不過呢,像幾點我們可以注意。像 Kyle 講到說,「你提到什麼」,他並沒有說 You mentioned about… which is so different。因為很多用 Chinese English 的方法可能就會用兜字的:「提」就 "mention"、「到」就變 "about",然後兜在一起變 mention about。



Kyle:查一下:「提到」 "mention",然後 "about"。

Lisa:我們待會回來繼續跟 Kyle 聊天,而且我們要講一個電子字典的笑話。

<Scene 3-3> top
Lisa : 歡迎大家回到現場,我們是挑戰英文Action English, Lisa會客室。今天的特別來賓是廣播界的名人--鄭開來,他的英文名字叫 Kyle。當然大家如果注意到有個電視劇集叫<南方四賤客> South Park 的話,裡面那個「凱子」,他的名字就是 Kyle 。不過我們最好不要叫他凱子,會被他罵。我們剛才正在談電子字典的笑話,因為現在所有的電子字典都號稱「十國、二十國」的這種會話,你打進去,它就會幫你發音:「你好嗎?」,它可能會說Comment allez-vous?這樣子。不過電子字典的那個有個大缺點,你有沒有發現?




Lisa: Kind of old. 然後電子字典有個問題就是,你打進去,然後它幫你說 How are you? 或者說 Comment allez-vous? 或者是說 Ça va? 可能會有一個問題就是,人家回答就會說Ça va. 這個Et toi? Et vous? 或者說 I'm fine, and you? 結果你就傻在那邊了,因為你聽不懂,因為電子字典可以幫你講,可是沒有辦法幫你聽。所以事實上對於所謂,因為我們剛才提到 communication 「溝通」,「溝通」來講的話,它是單向;它沒有辦法幫你做雙向溝通,所以可能電子字典還是不如自己來的有用。






Lisa:對對對,凱子國。 Republic of Casino, right? OK. Also in the process of your learning English or French, what specific points you wanna make out to tell our audience? You mention not to give up, takes time, what other points you can share?

Kyle: I think it's very important to be totally immersed in an environment. Learning a language is not so difficult if you're in the local environment. For example, I stayed five months in France. But of course not everyone has the privilege or the money or the time to do that. 

Lisa: Right.

Kyle: If you don't, you can try to create a similar environment in Taiwan by surrounding yourself with the English talking radio station. Or when you watch TV, you can watch HBO, Discovery the channels that speaking English.

Lisa: Or CNN for that matter, yeah.

Kyle: Just create an environment for yourself. I think that's very important. For me, I tried a very good method which was to watch TV series. I like TV series very much. I remember when I was young, there was a very famous TV series called "the L. A. Law".

Lisa: Right, when you were young? OK.

Kyle: I remember one night I was watching "L. A. Law", my father came to the living room cause he wanted to use the bathroom. And he saw me. Coincidentally on that episode, there were a lawyer kissing and making love with another lady. My father saw that, he was very angry. He thought I was watching porno. So he said, "Now tell me, is this porno?" I said, "No, it's a TV series and I want to learn English from that." My father was very…

Lisa: Very strict.

Kyle: Yeah, because one time he saw me reading a novel by a very famous writer 三毛. The book is called <溫柔的夜>, and he saw the title. He thought "Oh, it must be porno" <溫柔的夜>,一定是色情小說。Yeah, my father is very strict.

Lisa: You know, from the time when Kyle was young, his father thought that he is a porno lover. Every book he reads, every TV series he watches gotta be a porno.

Kyle:可是很多美國的那種 TV series 裡面都是有比較成人的鏡頭。

Lisa:當然。其實那個時候<洛城法網>的時代還沒什麼,現在有一個叫做<黑道家族>,叫Soprano,其實他們那個家族的 last name 姓氏就叫做 Soprano,結果被這邊一翻就變成「女高音」,因為剛好就是 Soprano。<黑道家族>裡面真的是更可怕,所有都是所謂的 four-letter word,就是 FFF 開頭的那些。所以 L.A. Law 比起來,<洛城法網>還算相當的這個,我們叫 docile,就是非常的溫馴。

Kyle:已經是 PG。

Lisa:對,PG rating。但是講到 L.A. Law我就有一個好笑的東西,因為,那裡面有一次那個律師在開會,結果外面祕書走進來不知道什麼事情,然後秘書就出去了。但是呢,劇中人就在說,就說 It's your call。他們正在談判,兩造在談判事情。他說 It's your call,意思就是說「由你來決定」。




Lisa:對,「你的電話來了」,There you go. So其實有很多影集裡面,除了在看影集本身之外,好像在台灣還有另外一個樂趣,就是你看中文字幕有時候還會發現一些笑話,或者說有些錯譯,或甚至譯得過頭的這些東西。


Lisa:對,像講回那個歌曲,我就有很深的感覺。因為像那個有一支歌我印象特別深:Dire Straits。 Dire Straits的那條Money for Nothing。其實 Dire Straits 的團名就被翻錯了,Dire Straits他們翻成<險峻海峽>,可是事實上Dire Straits就是一個「窮光蛋」的意思,後來有改正回來。然後Money for Nothing那個經典名曲,其實就是說 you know, money for nothing, the rock band,他那個歌裡面敘述你搞搖滾樂團的話,你就可以 get all kinds of money, A lot of money for nothing,就是「不勞而獲」那樣子。

Kyle:對,因為它後面接的是Money for nothing, chicks for free.

Lisa: Right. 結果我還記得那個時候,因為我們也是聽「學生知音」的那個時代,他們就翻成說「花錢也白花」,還是「花錢買無用」什麼,就是還是從這種字面上不去了解,這種歌詞這些上面來去作翻譯。OK, what else you can tell us, Kyle before we close it for this episode?

Kyle: I think it's very important to have confidence in yourself no matter what difficulty you might encounter. So, have confidence.

Lisa: Right, have confidence and have fun probably in the process, right?

Kyle: Yeah, because it's a new language for us, we start from zero. So even though we gain ten points, it's a plus. It's very good.

Lisa: Right, 然後你可以叫老外說幾句中文給你聽聽,一定比你的英文要差太多了。OK, 今天非常謝謝 Kyle跟我們來分享他的學語言的心得。


Lisa: OK,我們今天的時間已經到了,下次見!

Casey 專欄
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