請注意觀察以上的對話: |
1. |
Q: A 在這個對話中,扮演介紹新人的角色, 她可能是人事部門的人. 對話一開始,注意她說,"Tom, this is Mary Robbins." 這位女士把Mary Robbins 介紹給 Tom. 你覺得是 Mary 的職位高呢? 還是 Tom的職位高?
請到討論區與我們分享 你的意見.
A: 通常,你介紹人的時候,是把新的介紹給舊的. 把職位低的,介紹給職位高的. 在此就這個問題,我們請教了美國老師 Dana Murphy, 她說: 我們無法從這個對話中知道誰的職位高. Tom 和 Mary都算是公司的新人. One can't really tell who is the higher-up here. Neither Tom nor Mary are new to the company. 也就是說, 他們原來都在這公司工作,只是在不同的部門.
2. |
Q: 如何知道 Mary Robbins 原來就在公司工作,並不是新來的人呢?
A: 因為 She's just come over from Sales. 她剛從 Sales部門調過來(Sales 指 Sales Division 或 Sales Department,但講 Division 又更通用, 公司的銷售部門). 所以 Mary Robbins 不算是公司的新人. 在公司裡,各部門就直說部門名稱,而不再說 Division. 如果,你自己講話,一直說 I'm from the Sales Division. (因為老課本可能這麼教)別人聽來,就一直覺得你不融入這個組織,因為大家怎麼說,你就怎麼說. 你說 the sales division 顯得很拘謹,因為公司的老手都說 "I work in sales," "I'm in sales," My husband is in sales."你就趕快跟上,反應要快. 一開始,看老手們怎麼做,準錯不到哪去.以後再求變,表現自己.
3. |
Q: She's just come over from Sales. 在此 She's 是那些字的縮寫?
A: She has. She has just come over from Sales. 意思是, She used to work in the sales division of the company.
4. |
Q: 'come from sales' 和 'come over from sales' -- 有over,有沒有不同 ?
A: Dana Murphy 老師說 : over是介詞,
She's just come over from sales.意味著 sales部門很近,就在同一家公司,Mary就是從 Sales部門過來,雖然她並沒有 walk over a bridge, 過橋, 走過來. 但她目前的工作,marketing與原來sales的領域仍然很接近.
When you say she's come over from sales, she hasn't actually walked over a bridge or anything, it implies that sales is close by, in the same company, part of the whole company, OR IN A CLOSELY RELATED FIELD.
如果說: She's come from sales. 這就意味著:她是離開原來工作的領域,進入一個全新的領域. When you say she's COME FROM SALES you're implying an entirely new field.所以她原來在 sales,現在她可能是進入了教育界,遠離了商界 . She was in sales, she came from sales, now she's leaving that behind and is trying education or something else that is new to her.
在美國有些地方, come over 與 come 是可以互通的,但 come over 讓語氣顯得比較輕鬆.
5. |
Q: 如果你先到這個部門,有新人來跟你工作,你可以說甚麼?
注意看,在這對話裡, B 跟新人,說了甚麼?
請到討論區與我們分享 你的意見.
A: It's nice to meet you! Guess we'll be working together. 如果你能馬上說出-對方的名字, 讓你顯得很靈光...
6. |
Q: A說: She'll be working closely with you on the marketing end of things. 在此 She 指的是誰?
A: Mary Robbins.
7. |
Q: 整個對話,就沒聽到 Mary 的聲音. 你注意到了嗎? 如果你是 Mary ,你聽到 Tom 說 : It's nice to meet you! Guess we'll be working together.你會怎麼答腔?
A: Dana Murphy 老師提供幾個建議:
(1) I'm excited to be here. I look forward to working with you."
(2) Thanks. I hear you're doing great things. I look forward to being part of it.
Tim Newfieds 老師 建議:
(a) I look forward to working with you.
(b) It is a pleasure to meet you.
(c) It will be a pleasure to work with you.
8. |
Q: 這對話中,新來這個部門的人叫 Mary Robbins. 舊人叫甚麼?
A: Tom. 看一開始的對話.
9. |
Q: 看完這對話,你知道,A的名字叫_________ B的名字叫 ___________
A: A's name is unknown. 並不知道介紹者的名字. B's name is Tom.
10. |
Q: Mary Robbins, 聽來像哪裡來的人?
A: Dana Murphy 老師說: 這是典型美國人的名字. 有可能是白人,也有可能是黑人.This is a pretty basic American name. It also is an "African American" name but is just as likely nowadays to be the surname of a Caucasian or African American.
11. |
Q: 整個對話給人的感覺,是正式口氣,還是非正式的口氣?
A: informal非正式的措辭方式. 不算 casual, 也不算 formal. 所以是介於 formal 與 casual之間的 informal的氣氛.
12. |
Q: :Tom 說, Welcome aboard, Ms. Robbins. 他在跟誰講話?
A: 我們可以想像看到 Tom 這時已經把目光投到Ms. Robbins的身上,也可能伸出手來握手了.
13. |
Q: Tom說,Ms. Robbins. 的是很正式的用法,而不說Mary? 為甚麼? 可以直稱 Mary 嗎? Ms.指的是未婚或已婚女性?
A: Dana Murphy 老師說: 第一次見面,較常用 Ms. Robbins,除非她請Tom用first name (比如說, Call me Mary.) Tom 也不知道 Ms. Robbins是否已婚,所以不能用Mrs.而且許多美國女性都不喜歡 Miss 這個詞. 如果 Mary的年紀看來與 Tom相仿或更年輕些,有可能 Tom就會直稱 "Mary"而不用 Ms. Robbins了. (註: Ms. 指的是女性,已婚,未婚無關,和 Mr.相對. 這是女性運動後的產物.)
( At first meeting he's more likely to say Ms. Robbins until she invites him to use her first name ("Call me Mary.) He does not know if she is married so he doesn't say Mrs. and many modern American women do not like the term "Miss." If Mary is the same age as Tom or younger he would probably skip the Ms. Robbins and say "Mary" upon meeting her.)
14. |
Q: Tom 說, "Good, well, Welcome aboard." "Good" "Well", 在此的作用是甚麼? 為何不直接說, Welcome aboard. ?
A: Dana Murphy老師說:'good'是表達禮貌常用到的字, 在此是讓 Ms. Robbins感到他很高興她的到來. The "good" is a polite, often-used word to let her know he's happy to have her there.這種場合讓我們感到有義務要說點"歡迎加入"的話. One feels the obligation to say "something" to indicate that it's a positive thing a new person is joining the team.
"Well"是爭取時間的填充字,像"嗯"的作用,把兩種思緒串起來. Tom與Ms. Robbins剛碰面,可能沒太多話可說,所以他說了 "Well". 有時,Well也表現出緊張的味道,但在此用Well,說得很自然.
The "well," is a time-user, like an "uh-huh", a bridge between two thoughts. He just met her, may have little to say to her because they do not have familiarity yet so he throws in the "well." It's used when people are nervous too, but it sounds just fine.
15. |
Q: 請比較這幾句,感覺有何不同?
(1) "Welcome aboard!"
(2) "Welcome aboard, Ms. Robbins"
(3) "Good. Welcome aboard, Ms. Robbins"
(4) "Good. Well, Welcome aboard, Ms. Robbins. "
A: Dana Murphy老師的意見是: (1) 和 (2)差不多. (2)句加了名字, Tom 表現出記得對方的名字.
(3)句多了, good, 讓對方感覺更好. 與 (1)(2)都通. (4)句也很好, 用了'well'可能表示, Tom有點緊張,這是很常見的現象.