講義 (Dialog) |
( Christina講義分三部分,即
Dialog / Class Note / Quiz,請先看完Scene1. Dialog,然後到Scene1. 的Class Note與Quiz
做練習,依此類推,效果最好!) |
1. Dialog: Introducing a New
Coworker |

A : Tom, this is Mary Robbins. She's just come over from

Tom, 這是剛從銷售部門來的 Mary Robbins. |
B : It's nice to meet you! Guess we'll be working together.

A : Yes, she'll be working closely with you on the marketing end of things.

B : Good. Well, welcome aboard, Ms. Robbins.

2. Dialog: Meeting a New
Boss |

A : Good morning, Mr. Montgomery. I've been sent over from purchasing to fill in for Claire Williams.

早安, Montgomery先生. 我從採購部門調來暫代 Claire Williams. |
B : Oh, really? Nice to meet you. I thought they were going to leave me here on my own! How long have you been with the company?

噢,真的嗎? 很高興見到妳. 我還以為他們就要把我一個人丟下不管了呢!你在公司多久了 ? |
A : Oh, about seven years. Time flies, you know.

B : Does it ever! Well, let's get started. If you could begin typing this letter now, I'll see what else needs to be done.

可不是嘛!永遠如此, 好吧,我們就開始工作吧! 現請妳開始打這封信.我再看看還有甚麼要做的事. |
Dialog: With A New Employee |

A : Hi,there! My name's Terry Graham. You're new around

嗨,您好!!我叫Terry Graham.你是新來的吧? |
B : Yes,My name's Mark Benson. I just started a couple of
weeks ago.

是的.我叫Mark Benson.我幾個禮拜前才開始工作. |
A : Well,if there's anything I can do for you, let me know.

B : Thanks!I appreciate that!

Dialog: Trying to Get Adjusted |

A : Hi, how are you?

B : I'm fine, thanks. Just trying to get adjusted. It's hard to keep track of everything around here.

很好,謝謝! 正努力適應呢! 在這裡事事要跟上還真不容易. |
A : That's for sure. You're new, too, huh?

B : Yeah. I just got here a couple of days ago. How about you?
