請注意觀察以上的對話: |
1. |
Q: 當你不知道對方的名字,但又想打招呼的時候 ,在此用的開場白是________?
A: Hi, there. 請看第一句. 通常,你用的開場白,是 _____?
請到討論區與我們分享. 比如說, 可以用 Hello--嗎? 在這種場合,是有禮貌的說法?還是不禮貌?
感覺一下,套上你自己的名字,說說看,自不自然? 像不像你會喜歡用的字句?
Hello. I'm Carol Li. You're new around here, huh?
我們請教美國老師 Tim Newfields 對 Hello,與 Hi there 的看法. 這是 Newfields 老師的答覆:
Hello可以用,比 'Hi there'還更客氣一點. Hi there 比較近美式用語,但英國英文裡現在也有許多美式用語,所以在英國也可用
Yes. "Hello" is a perfectly acceptable way to greet people. It is slightly more polite than "Hi there." Both of these expressions are widely used as greetings. ("Hi there" is a a bit of an Americanism, but now even British English has so many Americanisms that the expression is probably OK in the UK too.)
[#1] "Hi there! I'm Carol Li. You're new around here, huh?"
[#2] "Hello. I'm Carol Li. You're new around here, huh?"
[#3] "Hello there! I'm Carol Li. You're new around here, huh?"
[#2]比[#1]感覺正式一些. [#3]又介於[#1]與[#2]之間.
不用 My name's ________. 用 I'm _______ 更接近輕鬆的口氣.
請注意: 講完了, Hi there! 馬上就說出自己的名字,如果不說名字,而說 "Hi, there. You're new around here, huh? " 會顯得不友善,好像,我想知道你的底細,可是我又不先說出自己的名字...不過中國人好像沒有馬上報出自己名字的習慣. 這點要特別留意.
2. |
Q: You're new around here 和 You're new here,聽來一不一樣?
A: 不一樣.
Newfields 老師說: Around here比起 here 更有流動的感覺.
"Around here" has a greater feeling of movement and motion than "here".
如果一個人在不同地點工作, 用 around here比較有流動換地點工作的感覺.
If you are speaking to a person who moves to several locations while working, then perhaps "around here" is more appropriate because of the feeling of motion.
如果,對方的工作地點都不變,而說話的人,自己也一樣,那麼就用 'here'比較能抓到這個細微的差別.
If you are speaking to one person who is stationary (and you are stationary too), then perhaps simply "here" captures the nuance better.
3. |
Q: huh -- 是怎麼用的 ? 不加 huh的感覺,與加了 huh , 有何不同 ?
A: huh讓口氣顯得輕鬆.
Newfields 老師說: 句尾的問法會讓句子的口氣改變很多. One thing which has a big impact on the formality of the sentence is the final interrogative interjection used in the tag question.
比如說, You're new around here, 結尾的問法用
[#A] are you not? [#B] aren't you? [#C] right? [#D] huh? [#E] eh?
Tag #A is the most formal - it is, in fact, almost too cold and formal
for ordinary use. 最正式
Tag #B is the standard polite tag - it is widely used. 標準用法
Tag #C is a slightly more informal tag, yet still appropriate in most
informal situations. 比較不正式的口氣
Tag #D is even more informal. 比 Tag #C 還要再輕鬆的口氣.
Tag #E is perhaps old-fashioned and used mostly by old men. I also think it is dialectal: Irish people and Scots use this often. American blacks or
hispanics, by contrast, almost NEVER use
this expression. 老式用法,老年人可能說的話. 也可能是地方方言用法: 愛爾蘭人與蘇格蘭人用得多. 相對地,美國黑人,或西班牙裔幾乎從來不用.
4. |
Q: 看第三句,說,如果有需要幫忙,就讓我知道. 說話的人, 沒有一開始就講這句話,她用的串場詞是:___
A: Well --- 對了,這個很管用. 因為,上一句,和下一句,沒甚麼關聯,但用 Well,停一下,就可以接得很漂亮. 注意聽聽這句話. Well怎麼和下面講的連起來.說得越自然越好
你用過Well做串場詞嗎? 請到討論區與我們分享
5. |
Q: 現在你把自己當成是新手到班. 別人問你是不是新手,你怎麼回答?只說 ,yes,就沒話說了,會顯得很不禮貌.看看對話中,說了yes,還能說甚麼? 當別人給你機會的時候,要如何掌握.
A: 注意看,回答的人,說完了, yes, 緊接著就說出自己的名字. Yes. My name's _________. 然後說自己何時開始到此開始上班. 雖然對方並沒有直接問你名字,但別人主動跟你打招呼,當然想多知道一些你的背景. 通常,在這種場合,你有自動說出自己名字的習慣嗎?
6. |
Q: Mark說 I just started a couple of weeks ago --- 他到班多久了?
A: two weeks -- or about two weeks -- or more than two weeks --Newfields 老師說: "A couple of weeks ago" means something like 2 or 3, or possibly even 4 weeks ago . . .somewhere between 14 and 24 days.
7. |
Q: 當公司裡的老手說,有事可找她幫忙,你回答: Thanks. 還能多說點甚麼嗎? 在這段裡,你看到回答的人說: __________
A : Thanks. I appreciate that.
對了,練練看,說, Thanks. I appreciate that.
(只會說 Thanks 和 Thanks. I appreciate that. 給人的感覺不同,後者顯得英文水準更高,你覺得嗎?) 這時,你能回想起跟你講話的人的名字嗎? 頭腦要隨時打開接收的天線. A 的 first name,就是 Terry. 有事,可以找 Terry幫忙囉!
8. |
Q: 整個對話給人的感覺,這是正式口氣,還是輕鬆的口氣?
A: casual. 輕鬆的口氣.Newfields 老師說:如果不用 My name's ________用 I'm ________,整個對話就一致地表現出輕鬆的口氣.
9. |
Q: Terry Graham. Graham,遇到這種不熟悉的英文名字,要怎麼對付?
A: 先記得好記的部份 Terry,以後再慢慢追上全名. Graham,好像 H不太發音,有點像 y 的音. 練習看這種名字,看多了,就見怪不怪了. Newfields 老師說:"Graham" is a common surname. Moreover, it is sometimes used as a personal name too.
In English, the following names are used by both men and women:
Pat, Terri/Terry, Lyn/Lynn, and Chris.
Pat, Terri/Terry, Lyn/Lynn, Chris這些名字,有可能是男性或女性. If it is spelled "Terri" then it
is usually a woman's name. If it is spelled "Terry" then generally it is a man's name. 如果拼成 Terri, 多半是 女性的名字, 若是 "Terry"則一般是男性.
10. |
Q: 看完這對話,你知道,A的名字叫_________ B的名字叫 ___________
A: A's name is Terry Graham. B's name is Mark Benson.