英文烏龍趣談------------------------------Christina 講義 (Class Note)

Scene3. Dialog Scene3. Quiz
Scene3. Class Note: Invitation for Coffee


1. Q: A和B的工作關係是___________? 從哪裡可看出來?

A: Dana Murphy老師說:Coworkers, friends. 同事,朋友. They're very casual and comfortable with each other, comfortable enough to tease, "You must have won the lottery." He's not making fun of her for not treating others very often, he's her friend and able to "rib" her (it means to kid around or joke with her).

2.  Q: A 叫住 B,說 'Wait a second!" 她能說 'Hold on a second?" "Just a minute?"嗎? 請上討論區,發表你的看法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說:Yes, at least the first two: "Wait a second", or "hold on a second". Also "Wait a minute" or "got a minute?" 都可以. But "Just a minute?" doesn't work. 但是 "Just a minute"是不對的. It's more of an answer (telling someone to wait) for example:
"Mom! I need to talk to you!"
"Just a minute - I'm on the phone!" (用在回答別人的時候)

3. Q: 用甚麼字可以形容 A的心情? What best describes A's emotion? 請上討論區,發表你的說法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說: Happy, excited.

4. Q: A 說 "You want to come? " 意思是 "Do you want to come?" 嗎?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: Yes, it's just more casual. (You want to come 比較隨便,輕鬆)

5. Q: B 說 "let me just grab my wallet." -- 男人要去某地方,這麼說 to grab a wallet 是很常見的嗎? 不是女人比較會這麼說嗎? 一般來說, 女人用 wallet嗎 ? 請上討論區,發表你的說法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說: It is common for men to say that (男人會這麼說)- although most men keep their wallet (皮夾子) in the back pocket of their pants at all times or in the inside pocket of their suit jacket. Maybe though, at work, to be more comfortable, he puts it in his desk or something. I know some men even leave it in the console of their car and just carry cash in their pocket. 女人說的是purse,手提包或包包.
Women would say, "Let me grab my PURSE."

6. Q: B說妳今天早上看來可是很高興, A 回答, "I am." ,A可以答 "I do"嗎?因為,回應" You certainly do look happy this morning." 

A: Dana Murphy老師說:可以的,說, I do. 表示,I do look happy. 但是很多人,自然會說成 I am. 因為, I am happy.  It sounds natural. 聽起來很自然. 但是Technically her answer should be: "Yes, I do." (as in "I do look happy") But she's picking up on the word "happy" - which she is. This is one of those cases where in print it is different than in real life. The written word is more formal - and more often correct! 

7. Q: A 說 "It's my treat." 這話是甚麼意思?

A : Dana Murphy老師說: A is paying for the coffee. A付錢請客. This is a very common expression! She also could have said, "It's on me."

8. Q: A要請客, B說這是頭一遭. 'This is a first!" 也就是說, A從來不請人客的嗎?

A : Dana Murphy老師說:Yes, A never pays, never "picks up the tab." 是的,A從來不請客.

9. Q: B說,"You must have won the lottery." 這是甚麼意思? 還有別的講法嗎?

A : Dana Murphy老師說: It means she is acting generously or acting like she has a lot of money. 她顯得很有錢,很慷慨. 其他說法:Other ways: (although I like the lottery way best)
"That's very generous of you."
"Wow! Okay, big spender."
"Oh, I guess you have money to burn."

10. Q: 整個對話的口氣是 _________?

A : Casual. 

11. Q: 在這對話中,A的名字是_________,B的名字是 _____________

A : AB的名字皆未知.

Scene3. Dialog Scene3. Quiz
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