英文烏龍趣談---------------------------Christina 講義(Dialog)
Dialog Class Note Quiz
( Christina講義分三部分,即 Dialog / Class Note / Quiz,請先看完Scene1. Dialog,然後到Scene1. 的Class Note與Quiz 做練習,依此類推,效果最好!)
Scene 1. Dialog: Trouble with Computers

A : The new computer software is driving me crazy! I really need a break! 

這新的電腦軟體真要把我逼瘋了. 我真的需要暫停休息一下.
B : I know what you mean, Carol. I've had nothing but trouble with it. They say it's supposed to be easy! 

我瞭解妳的意思, Carol. 它只有給我麻煩.他們還說這應該是很容易的.
A : That's what I've heard. But as far as I'm concerned, it takes a genius to figure it out. Can you pass the sugar, please?

我也這麼聽說. 可是,對我來說,要天才來才有可能會用. 你可以把糖遞給我嗎?
B : Sure. Why don't you sit down for a minute? You haven't taken a rest all morning.

當然可以. 妳為何不坐下來歇會呢? 妳一上午都沒休息呢.
Scene1. Class Note Scene1. Quiz
Scene 2. Dialog: Complaining about overtime


A : You won't believe who's been elected to do overtime on the Baker account: Me! I've already logged in 20 hours of overtime! 

妳想像不到誰被選中加班趕Baker客戶的案子,我! 我已加班加到20小時了.
B : Wow! Why so much? I thought they were getting you an assistant.   

哇! 怎麼這麼多? 我還以為他們會找助手給你. 
A : They were supposed to, but so far nobody's turned up, and I'm left on my own to do the work. This is the first break I've had all day. 

他們應該要找的,可是到目前為止,沒人出現.我只有一個人做. 一天下來,現在是我第一次休息.
B : They are really running you into the ground. Why don't you ask for some time off? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere.  

他們真叫你做到死了. 你為甚麼不要求休假幾天? 選個長週末,你可以到甚麼地方渡個假.
Scene2. Class Note Scene2. Quiz
Scene3. Dialog: Invitation for Coffee


A : John! Wait a second! I was just heading downstairs for a cup of coffee. You want to come? I've got some good news! 

John! 等一下! 我正要到樓下喝杯咖啡. 你要一起來嗎? 我有好消息.
B : Sure. Let me just grab my wallet. You certainly do look happy this morning.

好啊,我去拿皮夾子. 今天早上妳看來可是很高興.
A : I am. Don't worry about getting your wallet. It's my treat.  

我是高興. 別去拿錢包了. 我請客.
B : This is a first! You must have won the lottery. 

這可是頭一遭. 妳一定是中獎了.
Scene3. Class Note Scene3. Quiz
Scene4. Dialog: Talking about vacation


A : You are going to be really jealous when you find out where I'm headed for the holidays!

B : Don't tell me! I'm sure it's someplace warm and sunny with great beaches!

A : You got it! I'm going to spend two fabulous weeks in Hawaii!

妳猜到了. 我要去夏威夷,過兩個禮拜美妙的假期.
B : You are so lucky! Send me a postcard!  

你真幸運. 寄張風景明信片來.
Scene4. Class Note Scene4. Quiz
Lisa 會客室
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