個人公關與口語傳播-------------------------------------------Lisa 會客室


# How do you do to overcome some embarrassing moments when you make mistakes or can not do something:
1.Admit the mistakes you made
2.Explain the reason with some humor. 
For example," well, this is why I keep my day time job"!

# How to arrange a wonderful tours for foreign visitors:
1.Be prepared- get some information form the web sites, books, or magazines.
2.Know your quests real well--- what's his or her preference on everything, etc.
3.Use your network to get to know Taipei--- must-seeing spots, great restaurants, etc.
4.Not to tire your quests out.










Topic: 個人公關與口語傳播
---- 世新大學行政管理學系副教授兼主任

(know more about 余致力....)

 Scene 3-1    Scene 3-2    Scene 3-3

<Scene 3-1>
Lisa :  大家好,歡迎收看挑戰英文Action English,Lisa會客室。今天我們的特別來賓是誰呢? 請你看個人小檔案。

Lisa: 歡迎大家回到現場,我們今天的特別來賓就是余致力余教授,他的英文名字可好玩了,叫辣椒Chili。余教授跟大家打個招呼,順便聊一下你的名字。

余致力: 大家好,很高興又回到這裡,我這個名字啊,其實很多人常常問我,為什麼叫Chilik? 還加了個k,一般不會這樣翻譯。那最主要因為我在香港出生,所以廣東話余致力就叫余致力、就叫致力﹔那在國外的朋友,他當然也不太care這些,那記我的名字最簡單,就是叫chili﹔他就一聽就以為chili bean好像「辣椒」這樣。不過其實我兒子名字就更好玩了,我兒子出生的時候,我叫他叫「小魚兒」,叫魚兒魚兒叫慣了,到美國,我太太就給他取了英文名叫ÜR,Ü上面還兩點,是德文的那個Ü。所以ÜR發起來就像 you're,這樣所以他可能是美國名字first name last name加起來最短的,總共4個字母Ür Yu,你知道,所以他的老師曾經開玩笑跟他說 : You're Ur, I am me,每一次在這個學校碰到他,說 : You're Ur, I am me。

Lisa: 這名字取得好,余教授剛剛跟我們分享兩個很寶貴的經驗,一個就是其實取名字,不一定要什麼像我這樣,什麼Lisa啦、David啦、什麼Paul啦,這些實在太尋常。

余致力: 太常見。

Lisa: 所以都跟大家建議,往後跟小孩取英文名字,你就像這樣子: 「魚兒」,用中文的音翻過去﹔或者想一些特別的點子,讓別人更記得你,這無非是一個好的方法。像人家都知道,我們余教授叫「小辣椒」Chili。

余致力: 我這個是祖傳的,我父親就從國父遺囑上面抄襲下來:「余致力國民革命」,這個好記一路抄:「余致力」。

Lisa: 對,有道理。

余致力: 中英文完全配合。

Lisa: 剛才余教授也說到「廣東音」,因為很多人不太了解為什麼,比方說,林子祥他的那個姓「林」,在英文寫成 Lam,林憶蓮也是Lam,其實就是因為廣東發音「林」這樣子,所以好多好多好玩的東西,像「陳」這個發音在新加坡 "Singlish", Singapore English就變成 T-A-N-G, "Tang,這個是一個福州話的發音,所以各地有各地好玩的這些地方。當然這個言歸正傳,我們跟余教授總是要聊一些在英文的使用上,對於像我們這樣子一個外國人可能有的一些困難。教授不曉得有沒有這種情況,就比方說 :「啊!用英文講錯話了!」,或者說有沒有什麼這種「自我解嘲」? 就像您剛才非常幽默地把自己化解危機。

余致力: 我想我們非常多,就是,像英文常常會講錯的﹔或者說我們平常,其實不一定是英文,就是你在外面做一些事情,突然覺得好糗very embarrassing。那我覺得在這一種場合,最好就是用一些「幽默」Humor去化解這個危機。我記得我有一次,我跟這個我的同事 We attended a conference at Atlanta in Georgia. It's an American Association of Political Science Conference. We presented a paper, and there were some tables there. And we used Excel to make those tables. But when we finished that file, we brought it to the U.S. and printed it out in the U.S., and then it all got messed up. Because different computers, you know, the form I don't know; so the format just messed up. So we distributed this paper in the conference. They had to buy it actually, one dollar for one paper. So we finally found out it all messed up. It was so embarrassing. But I think my colleague dealt with this in a very nice way. He admitted the mistake, and then told everybody really sorry: "If you need refund, after the meeting, come to us. We'll give you one dollar back about for the purchasing the paper." So everybody laughed and then it was not that bad. The situation finally was better. Another thing was that once I was trying to help my friend take a picture. 那個照相機不太會使用,結果弄來弄去老是弄不出來,他們大家在那邊等得也很不耐煩,我只好自我解嘲一下: 「大家也不要埋怨了」,我說This is the reason why I keep my daytime job! 我想這一句話很好呀,在很多場合,當你mess up, " This is why I keep my daytime job!" 

Lisa: 對,因為這個專業的考量,如果不是你的專業,像幫人家照相就不是你的專業,所以你就是說:「幸虧我有另外一份工作」,That's the reason why I keep my daytime job! OK, we're just teaching, of course. 教授在就是很多機會,比方參加會議﹔在台灣辦會議,有些時候需要去所謂entertain your foreign guest,那麼有國外友人來,你大概都怎麼安排呢?

余致力: I'm good at this. 我有幾次經驗,那麼有幾個老師、或者國外的學者來,我們都做一些安排。I would like to give you some tips. I think three tips. How to arrange everything? First is "Be prepared." I like this phrase, very important. In the "Lion King"-- "Be prepared".

Lisa: 說學逗唱都可以。 

余致力: I mean that there are a lot of information in the website, or a lot of government office got this kind of information. So you need to be prepared. And second is "Know your guest". Know what he likes; what he doesn't like; his preferences or her preferences. For example, if he's allergic to seafood; if he is a vegetarian; if he is open-minded or not very flexible, I mean some foreigners would like to try everything, but some…

Lisa: Never touch anything, right.

余致力: I remember once in the U.S., we had a dimsum with our professors. Then we invited some guests foreign friends. We ordered some 鳳爪. In English it is a "chicken finger", so we said, "Would you care for some chicken finger?" They said, "why not". They misunderstood chicken finger. They thought chicken wing or something like "chicken rib". So when they served this on the table, they were shocked and almost screaming. Chicken finger, real chicken finger鳳爪. So you have to know your guest. That's the second part; very important tip. I think the third is that "Know Taipei". Now you could use some of your network to find a nice place; nice restaurant to make their arrangement. Call some people who have taste; who know this city a lot. Some good restaurants; some must-see spots, something like this, those general tips. Now I had a couple of this kind of experience. Once I arranged a one-day sort of city tour for my professor. So we went to the President's mansion in士林。

Lisa: 總統官邸。

余致力: And then we stopped by the Grand Hotel for some dimsum in the second floor. It seems to me that's one of best dimsum in the world. I really enjoy it well. That's okay to advertising? Probably you should charge them.

Lisa: That's Ok. But we have to take a short break. And when we are back, we will go on this trip. 我們先休息片刻,待會回來繼續聊。
<Scene 3-2> top
Lisa : 歡迎大家回到挑戰英文的現場,今天非常開心跟余致力教授談得非常的愉快。我不曉得大家有沒有注意,其實我們這一系列的節目,很多的來賓,不管他是從什麼樣的背景﹔或他甚至他是洋人也好、老中也好,他的很多的講法其實都是一致的。那這一點相當重要,可能是表示我們請的來賓大概都很棒吧! 不曉得,就是同性質很高。

余致力: 英雄所見略同。

Lisa: 對,這個講得太好了。就是大家對於這種所謂的「外交事務」﹔或者「個人公關」,總是有一些非常相近的看法。那所以我們剛才是聊到「怎麼樣幫外國友人安排一個很值得一遊的」,當然余教授是說台北,不過我想,不管你在台南、在高雄、在台中,大概也是有一定的這種安排的程序。我們繼續請余教授來說明。

余致力: 我們剛才提到在The Grand Hotel,那這是一個不錯的spot,可以去看一看。

Lisa: 對,圓山飯店。

余致力: 那麼我就說,我上次在那邊吃了個點心,然後下午當然就是National Palace Museum。

Lisa: 故宮博物院。

余致力: 那個也是一個非常值得去的看的地方。我想其實台北也還有很多不錯的地方,那我想最主要就是我剛剛講得3個原則蠻重要 : "Be prepared", "Know you guest", And "use your network to know Taipei better",那就可以match他的preference跟我們台北的最好的﹔或者整個台灣最好的一部份,拿出來給我們外國朋友看。

Lisa: And if I may add to that you know, the last but certainly very important point, it's also "Not too tire your guest out".

余致力: Yeah, of course, yeah.

Lisa: Not to arrange too many things for them to see so they really feel very uneasy. And余教授不曉得還有沒有一些就是,比方說,這個外國友人總會有一些這個問題,那麼當然不管人家多麼喜歡我們的國家﹔或是說多麼喜歡我們的地盤,總是有一些缺點是尚待改進,連我們自己都知道,何況是老外。只要跟他們當地的文化不一樣﹔或環境不一樣,他們當然就了解了。那麼有時候會問一些問題,不知道您覺得這一方面怎麼樣去應對?

余致力: 這個是tough questions,因為台北比如說,我們舉例台北台灣,我們有很多地方確實蠻髒亂,那麼所以有人就會說﹔你有時候碰到外國友人,他會問這種很tough的問題,比如:「怎麼這麼髒? 為什麼那麼亂?」,我想這裡面我覺得這問題比較複雜。我想分幾個層次來處理,第一個我是覺得Be yourself,你自己覺得怎麼樣OK,有的時候即便我們大家都居住台灣,有人還是覺得 Well, we have some problems, but we are not that bad. 有的人認為 God, we are hopeless.

Lisa: Unbearable.

余致力: It's a hell, something like that. So be yourself, O.K. Admit some of those problems. Don't try to cover it. Don't try to cover.

Lisa: Don't try to lie about it.

余致力: Don't try to lie about it. But it seems to me, you know, usually a polite, civilized, sophisticated guest will not ask some questions like that.

Lisa: Not be too direct.

余致力: Not be too direct. Unless he or she is very close to you; has a very close relationship with you. It's like you got invited to your friend's house. And then you comment on his wife's look, his wife's cook, and then tell him your house smells, it's a mess. I don't think you will do something like that.

Lisa: No, no.

余致力: For some people, I think they won't ask this kind of embarrassing question. But sometimes, I think a guest might ask this kind of question even in a very arrogant and criticizing manner. He or she tries to tell you that his or her country, or the city they live is much better than yours. But in this situation you have to make a choice, OK?

Lisa: Right.

余致力: You could just accept it his criticism or you could stand up and defend your city or country if there is something to defend about. Depends on what you believe. For me I think I will subtlely and politely remind my guest that "Yeah, we are not perfect, but neither are your cities or your countries. There are a lot of same problems in different cities." For example, I might remind if he is from the U.S.
I probably will say, "Well, it's a matter of fact, I was just thinking about the same question. I have been to New York. And I rode the subway. And surprisingly I don't know why it's so dirty. Do you have any suggestion how to make that better? And by the way, have you been to our mass rapid transportation? If not, maybe we should arrange a ride, and let you see we got something good. At least it's cleaner than yours." something like that. And ask constructive suggestions: "Well, this is the problem we've been facing, any suggestion? If your country, your city is so good, how could we make it better?" And in the meantime, I also mention that; remind my guest we have some amazing achievement in the past ten, twenty, thirty years. So this is something probably I will do. That's for someone who is arrogant. Now if someone is very close; has a very close relationship, and this is not very inappropriate for him or her to ask this kind of question. Then I will try to be more gentle and then again ask for suggestions. And probably share my feeling with him or her.

Lisa: Right. 其實余教授跟我們分享的,也就是我們不可能完全不碰到一些比較棘手、比較難回答的一些狀況、一些問題。那麼其實也不用過度的迴避,當然你也不可否認,有些人真的是蠻惡意的。因為在我的這個工作內容裡面,有時候會碰到一些人是專門踢館的、找碴的,那麼其實如果你了解的話,也就是並不難。因為像有一些情況,比方說,他明明是來你的餐會,吃你的,這個是真的是「吃你的」、然後喝你的﹔然後他還要說:「哎呀! 台灣怎麼樣怎麼樣 …… 」
,你聽起來就知道找碴。我常常看到現在有一些這個東道主倒是不錯,他們會說 You know, just because we are the free China. So you are here. 那麼這個free就是一語雙關。

余致力: free lunch.

Lisa: 你們是free lunch,吃我們的、喝我們的、免費的﹔然後另外一方面,這也是因為這是一個自由的地方,所以你就儘管講吧! 我們也不怎麼介意,反正請你來了嘛! 還有什麼話講? 我們先休息一下,待會回來繼續跟余教授聊天。
<Scene 3-3> top
Lisa : 歡迎回到挑戰英文Action English的現場,今天的特別來賓余致力余教授非常的幽默,余教授說我們一定要講一些名人的笑話、一些糗事,因為這樣大家就不會覺得講英文很害怕。因為跟大家說,比你有名的人都常常出糗,更何況是這個以一個外國人並不是母語為英語的這樣子的一個情況,是不是? 我們來講一些笑話。

余致力: 我想剛才Lisa講的這個重點非常重要,We all make mistake, OK. So don't worry. It's okay. 所以我們講,有時候提一些名人的這個糗事,倒也不是為了要糗他們,而是要我們知道說「人都會犯錯」。我舉個例子,像最近很有名的一個Al Gore,他那時候在競選,他媽媽介紹他,他媽媽就說 : My son is an alcoholic. 她說我兒子是「酗酒的」alcoholic,她其實是要講的是workaholic,就是說他兒子是個「工作狂」,所以在這麼重要的場合你看看,他母親也會有點緊張。

Lisa: 因為他兒子剛好名字叫Al Gore。

余致力: 所以這個我想都常有…… 。我最近聽到一個笑話,我覺得蠻有意思的,這一方面就是講「我們都會犯錯」﹔還有「犯錯的時候,怎麼很幽默地把它化解?」。日本有一個官員,他不會英文,可是他要去訪問柯林頓,所以就只好臨時補習,大概找一個像Lisa這樣英文很好的給他教一下。但是他時間太短了,他說:「這樣好了,你進去你就跟他說How are you? 那President Clinton一定說I am fine,那你就說Me too,然後翻譯就會來,我們就可以談一些嚴肅的事情。」就把它記住了。去到了白宮,一進去結果太緊張了,就問Who are you? 你知道,大家就很尷尬了,因為蠻embarrassing,怎麼可能連President Clinton都不認識? 那Clinton也很幽默,柯林頓,因為我們也知道,在美國人家常常說,其實說早年Hilary比他還有名,有沒有? 所以他只好這樣介紹,他說 I'm Hilary's husband,大家就笑一笑,就覺得很幽默,沒想到我們這日本官就接了第三句Me too。這個剛剛講得他學的Me too。

Lisa: 搞不好這個旁邊有另外一個日本人說Me three。

余致力: 大家就非常embarrassing,也不知如何化解。那我想這個其實都有的,就是大家其實就是都會有一些我們叫bloopers,就是在公眾出糗、好像看起來很stupid,但是我一直覺得其實像這種幽默很重要。其實台灣也有一個例子我很喜歡,我記得上次有一次張忠謀先生好像在清大獲頒榮譽博士,結果頒的時候,一個牌子就給他掉到地上,那大家就很糗就覺得這不太好,結果後來是我們李遠哲先生上來致詞的時候,他說 : 「我聽到剛才張博士的學位掉在地上,才曉得這是一個多麼響亮的學位啊!」,我覺得這個,你看,大家就覺得good, feel good, Everybody feels so good about this. 這個我想……

Lisa: 馬屁精。

余致力: Well, that's another way to look at it. 

Lisa: By the way, 英文你要說人家馬屁精 brownnoser,講到這個brown,我實在想講一個這個笑話。顏色常常是很容易瞭解的,我們常說雖然說現在這個有一點等級,但是聽過一些這個笑話,也就說this guy,尤其說那種馬屁精, This guy is so full of shit and his eyes turned brown.

余致力: Why?

Lisa: Think about it.

余致力: 不過你剛剛講的那個brownnoser,其實比較一個馬屁精,另外一個可能比較常講的就是 apple-polisher,就是我們說,美國小孩常常都會帶個apple給老師。可是為什麼會brown nose呢? brown nose為什麼呢?

Lisa: 為什麼呢?為什麼呢?

余致力: 因為…… 這可以講嗎?

Lisa: Don't! 讓大家有想像的空間,不過還是從「顏色」去著手。 So還有沒有一些比方說,當然這些都是有一些出狀況的情況解嘲,有沒有其他的一些名人笑話,還可以跟我們分享的?

余致力: 其實蠻多,我覺得美國的政治人物﹔或者說很多名人,特別是政治人物,有很多的幽默。那我覺得這個在他們,也許在政治的運作上,就不會像我們這邊繃得這麼緊。

Lisa: Yes.

余致力: 所以我說language其實很重要,今天不管英文、中文,其實它是一個communication的這個工具。你用的好,其實很多情況就好像沒那麼嚴重。我舉個例子,最近Bob Doe,其實他以前不是跟Clinton在競選,結果後來選輸了? 他是那個Minority Leader在國會,那他後來要退休了,榮退的時候,Clinton就頒了一個勳獎﹔還是什麼給他。那他當然是Clinton的手下敗將,那來的時候,接受獎完了還要致詞,那時候剛選完沒多久,他就站起來就講,然後一拿出來就說: I swear to be the President of United States.,他說Oh!Oh!Oh!Wrong speech.。他就說他其實準備了這個speech,本來想打贏了講,但是沒有機會,那他就收起來,大家也是莞爾一笑。我覺得這個就沒有那麼地繃得那麼緊。

Lisa: 對。

余致力: 他們總統有蠻多類似這種的故事、或者笑話。像雷根Ronald Reagan遇刺的時候,人家就說,他碰到他太太第一句話就說 Honey, I forgot to duck.,我忘了躲了,這duck就是「躲」,然後聽說碰到主治大夫的時候,先問他 : 「你是不是Republican?」,你是不是我們這個共和黨的? 怕他開刀的時候……。

Lisa: 就把他故意給做了。

余致力: 對對! 那這個我想古今中外滿多這種類似政治人物的一些幽默,像英國的邱吉爾也是。有一次他在演講,常常演講的時候,都有人會在那邊,當場我們現在也很多,要讓演講的人出糗、當場出糗,他就寫了一個像「笨蛋」fool,然後那個紙條就傳上去給他,就是罵他 :「你講那什麼嘛! 簡直是很笨!」。邱吉爾拿到了,也很幽默,他說 :「我剛剛收到了一個紙條,不過這個簽名的人忘了寫內容,只有把他名字簽在這裡,簽了一個fool」,不知道是哪一位來賓,自己簽名笨蛋。那我想這些都是用一些幽默在一些場合,可以讓整個的對話﹔或者溝通的氣氛會變得比較好。

Lisa: 今天非常難得,余致力余教授他用語言的例子,跟我們分享了很多,不但是名人的笑話,還有一些其實一般人大概都用得上的一些幽默解嘲。希望大家覺得深有所獲,今天的節目就到這裡為止,我們下次見!

Casey 專欄
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