個人公關與口語傳播------------------------Christina 講義 (Class Note)

Scene1. Dialog Scene1. Quiz
Scene1. Class Note: Complaining to the boss


1. Q: Mr. Emory 和 Ms. Walker 的工作關係可能是_________?

A: Dana Murphy老師說:He owns or runs a company. She is a client of that company. Perhaps her company uses their services, or purchases a product from them. 
2.  Q: A 說, "I realize you're a very busy man..." -- a very busy man是很常用的嗎? 可以說 "a very busy woman" 嗎?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: "A very busy man" is pretty common. Although the counterpart "a very busy woman" isn't used as much - if at all. "A very busy man"常用,但是 "a very busy woman"就不常見了.
3. Q: I'm sorry to take up your time. --佔用了您的時間很抱歉. 還有別的說法嗎? 請上討論區,談一談你的看法

A: Dana Murphy老師說:
"I'm sorry to bother you"
"I know you're busy but ..."?
"I'll try not to take up too much of your time."?
"I know you're busy, I'll get right to the point."
4. Q: Mr. Emory說 "Just tell me how I can help." 他可以說"Just tell me what I can help."嗎?還有其他類似的講法嗎?

A: Dana Murphy老師說:it is incorrect to say "Just tell me what I can help." 這是不對的. He could say "tell me what I can help you WITH" or "tell me what I can do to help" 

"Glad to help. What can I do?"
"How can I be of assistance?"
"Let me know what I can do to help you."
"Whatever I can do." (this is short phrase, it's not even a sentence but it is used as a sentence. It implies "whatever you ask me to do, that I'm ABLE to do, I will do)
5. Q: 有人抱怨說服務不佳, Mr. Emory馬上說, "I am very sorry to hear that." 這是典型的標準答法嗎?Mr.Emory說: I'm sorry.這表示他承認公司有錯嗎? 還是說,他很抱歉讓顧客不愉快.至於誰對誰錯,還要再聽細節才知道? 請上討論區發表你的看法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說: Yes! It is very typical to apologize for the poor service and then go on to try to fix it, try to appease the customer. 先道歉,先讓顧客消氣,再看如何解決問題,並不是承認錯. You appease the customer, ACKNOWLEDGE their dissatisfaction so they feel that you HEARD them, then go on to examine the problem.

6. Q: Mr. Emory對待顧客的抱怨, 除了說 "I am very sorry to hear that."還有別的答法嗎? 請上討論區, 發表你的講法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說: For example: 例如,

"I'm sorry you're unhappy, let's take a look at what happened and get this fixed up right away."

"Sorry to hear about that! Here's what we can do . . . ."

"Yes, I can see how you would feel frustrated. Let's try ?"
"I'm sorry this has been difficult for you, we certainly don't want our customers to have a bad experience."
"We strive for excellence, please tell me about this problem so I can begin making it right."
"Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I know we can remedy the situation." (the "thank you" approach is also popular, it really can cool down an angry customer)

"I hear what you're saying. You sound disappointed?" (this is called "parroting" - you repeat what they say - like a parrot - in a sympathetic voice -用同情的語句,重覆顧客的話)

7. Q: Ms. Walker 說 "I'm really disappointed by the service recently." 她可以說, "I'm really disappointed with/about the service recently."

A: Dana Murphy老師說:可以用 with,但不能用 about.
 She could say "with the service" but "about the service" doesn't really work. Stick with "by" and "with." 
8. Q: 這段對話中,A的名字是:__________,B的名字是____________

A: 是: Ms. Walker, B 是 Mr. Emory

Scene1. Dialog Scene1. Quiz
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