個人公關與口語傳播------------------Christina 講義(Dialog)
Dialog Class Note Quiz
( Christina講義分三部分,即 Dialog / Class Note / Quiz,請先看完Scene1. Dialog,然後到Scene1. 的Class Note與Quiz 做練習,依此類推,效果最好!)
Scene 1. Dialog: Complaining to the boss

A : I realize that you're a very busy man, Mr. Emory, and I'm sorry to take up your time.

我知道您是個忙人, Mr. Emory. 很抱歉,佔用您的時間.
B : I don't mind at all, Ms. Walker. Just tell me how I can help. 

我一點都不在意,Ms. Walker. 請告訴我如何幫忙.
A : Well, you know I've been dealing with your company for a long time, and I'm really disappointed by the service recently!

B : I am very sorry to hear that, Ms. Walker. Please tell me about it. 

很抱歉聽到此事, Ms. Walker. 請說.
Scene1. Class Note Scene1. Quiz
Scene 2. Dialog: An angry customer


A : I am very sorry to hear that you've been having so many problems, sir. 

B : Well, sorry isn't good enough! What can you do to help me? 

A : Well, to begin with, I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may. 

首先, 若您可以允許,我想問您幾個問題. 
B : Fine, whatever it takes to get this straightened out! 

可以. 甚麼都好,只要能解決問題.
Scene2. Class Note Scene2. Quiz
Scene3. Dialog: A successful restaurant ad


A : Linda? It's Michael Davenport. Your office handled the advertising for my new restaurant: "The Steak House." 

Linda?我是 Michael Davenport. 妳的公司為我的新餐館"牛排屋"設計廣告.
B : I remember, Mr. Davneport. I did most of the design work. Are there any problems?  

我記得, Mr. Davenport. 大部份的設計是我做的. 有甚麼問題嗎?
A : None at all, except where to put all the people! We've been packed ever since those ads come out. 

一點沒問題,除了人太多不知到哪去裝這麼多人. 自從廣告打出來之後,我們就一直客滿.
B : That's wonderful! Save a seat for me!  

太好了. 替我留個位子吧.
Scene3. Class Note Scene3. Quiz
Scene4. Dialog: Visiting a customer


A : Good morning, Ms. Dunlop. My name's Vance Fremont. I'm the customer relations officer for Walker Medical Services.

早安, Ms. Dunlop. 我的名字是 Vance Fremont. 我是Walker Medical Services公司來的客戶公關聯絡人.
B : Good morning, Mr. Fremont. Is there something I can do for you ?  

Good morning, Mr. Fremont. 我能為您做些甚麼服務嗎 ?
A : We just wanted to come by and thank you for using our company, and to ask if you've had any problems so far.

我們只是來拜訪一下,感謝您使用使用本公司產品, 請教您到目前為止有沒有任何問題.
B : No, I haven't had any problems at all. I've been very pleased with your service, thank you. 

沒有,一點問題也沒有. 我對你們的服務非常滿意,謝謝. 
Scene4. Class Note Scene4. Quiz
Lisa 會客室
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