個人公關與口語傳播------------------------Christina 講義 (Class Note)

Scene2. Dialog Scene2. Quiz
Scene2. Class Note: An angry customer


1. Q: A和B的工作關係是 _____________?

A: A是提供服務的供應商,客戶服務員,She is a provider (of a product or service), or the representative or customer service rep for a provider of a product or a service.B是顧客,客戶.He is a customer, or client.
2.  Q: A說,"I am very sorry to hear that you've been having so many problems, sir."如果A說 "I am very sorry to hear that you have so many problems, sir." 用 have 而沒有用 have been having...完成式的形式,意思一不一樣?請上討論區分享你的看法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說: 意思變了.If you change it to "?.you HAVE so many problems, sir" you change the meaning. So, no, it does not work. 用 you have so many problems,聽起來像是這個人有很多個人的問題(個性上,生意上等等)好像他那個人有問題,不是他對公司的產品或服務有問題. 如果說,"I am sorry to hear that you have so many problems with our products, sir."那就不會產生誤會了.
3. Q: B 非常地生氣,他說, "Well, sorry isn't good enough! 還有其他表示生氣的說法嗎?請上討論區談談你用生氣的英文的經驗.

A: Dana Murphy老師說:This shows B is VERY angry and upset. Other ways:
"Well, it's too late for sorry."
"We're way past sorry - you have a lot of work to do to make up for this." ("We're way past" is extremely strong and would only be said when someone is EXTREMELY angry!)
"Your apologies mean nothing to me. I need this problem fixed now!"
"Don't waste your time apologizing. I need this problem solved!"
"Your apology and a dime could get me a cup of coffee." 你的道歉不值錢, 十分錢還可買杯咖啡(加上你不值一點錢的道歉還是十分.) (十分錢買杯咖啡是過去,現在都買不起了. )
(this shows that her apology means nothing, and that with it (value = nothing) and a dime (value = 10 cents) he could buy a cup of coffee. Now, coffee is much more than a dime now (about a dollar) but the expression is an old one that started when coffee was a dime. When something is worthless, "that and a dime will get you a cup of coffee."
these responses are quite harsh and "rude", but "sorry isn't good enough" is also very harsh and rude.
4. Q: 如果 B講了很生氣的話,他冷靜一點的時候,可以說甚麼呢?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: he could say, "Well, thank you for your apology. Look, I really just want this taken care of as soon as possible."
5. Q: A 要很有技巧地把客人的火氣轉移目標,她說, "to begin with" 把對話的速度,做個扭轉. 還有甚麼話可以減緩對話的速度? 請上討論區談談你的經驗.

A: Dana Murphy老師提供了:
"I can help get this matter resolved."
"Let's take this one step at a time"
"I know that I can help. I just need to ... ?
"I'm confident this will all be taken care of, now if I can just . . . ? 
(this is probably the most common approach)
"Thank you for the opportunity to make this right"?
"I'll get this straightened out, if you'll just bear with me a moment" ?
6. Q: 面對生氣的客人,A說話要小心,要客氣,她問,"I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may." 用 if I may,表示尊重對方, 還有類似的講法嗎?

A: Dana Murphy老師提供了:
"I just need to ask you a few quick questions."
"I'd like to ask you a few quick questions, if I could."
"Please bear with me a minute while I ask just a few questions."
"Thanks for bearing with me on this - I just have a few questions."

7. Q: B很生氣,可是他說,"Whatever it takes to get this straightened out!" "甚麼都好,只要能解決問題."還有別的說法嗎?

A: Dana Murphy老師提供了:
"Do what you have to do!"
"Go to any lengths - just fix this!"
"As long as we solve this soon!"

8. Q: 在這段對話中, A的名字是________,B的名字是 _____________

A: A B的名字皆未知 

Scene2. Dialog Scene2. Quiz
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