個人公關與口語傳播------------------------Christina 講義 (Class Note)

Scene4. Dialog Scene4. Quiz
Scene4. Class Note: Visiting a customer


1. Q: 這兩個人的工作關係可能是____________?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: provider (供應商)/client(客戶). B是Walker Medical Services的客戶. A是來自Walker Medical Services的客戶公關聯絡人. 

2.  Q: 可能B所在的單位是?

A: 醫院或診所,因為來訪的是提供醫療器材的公司 (Walker Medical Services)
3. Q: 他們兩人應是第一次見面嗎? 我們如何推斷? 請上討論區發表你的觀察.

A: Dana Murphy老師說:Yes, it's the first time. We know this because he introduces himself to her and tells her his position. A自我介紹. 他可能知道她的名字,因為事前查過. He knows her name, probably because he checked it before he made the call. (拜訪之前)It's part of his job to know her name.
4. Q: a customer relations officer 都做些甚麼? 請上討論區發表你的看法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說: It's also called a customer service rep (representative). They do exactly what he is doing - check on existing customers to make sure they're happy. 這個人不是業務員,他是售後服務,鞏固良好客戶關係的人. He is not the sales person - someone else made the sale. He's following up, keeping up the relationship, passing along any needs or complaints.
5. Q: 'customer relation officer' 還是 'customer relations officer' ,哪個正確? relation要加 s嗎?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: It's plural form of relations. "relations" are the interactions and relationships between people/companies. (relations要加s,互動,關係)

6. Q: Mr. Fremont代表公司來拜訪,他用 'we', 說 'We just wanted to come by and thank you for using our company." 他用的是過去式 wanted, 是不是比用現在式 "we just want' 還要好? 

A: Dana Murphy老師說: Yes, it does. For some reason in English we use past tense frequently ("I just wanted to thank you", "I just wanted to mention"?etc.). I THINK it just makes it more conversational, less direct. 用過去式顯得較像談話的口氣,比較不硬,不那麼直接.
7. Q: Ms. Dunlop answers 'I haven't had any problems at all.' 如果她代表公司的立場回答,她怎麼不說'we' -- 'we haven't had any problems at all." ? Ms. Dunlop可能是主管囉?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: It could be. 有可能. Because it is a medical supply company it is likely that the customer service rep is calling on a doctor's office and she is the office manager.有可能客戶服務代表拜訪的醫生的診所, 她可能是管理訂貨,瞭解醫生使用是否有問題的人. She would be the one who would (or wouldn't) have problems. She would represent the doctor or doctors because she does all the ordering and knows how happy the doctor (or doctors) is with the product. 如果是大一醫院,她可能是管採購的人. Or maybe it's a hospital and again, she is in charge of all purchasing.

8. Q: 整個對話的口氣,是 ___________

A: "professional" 專業的.
9. Q: 如果 Ms. Dunlop 有些不滿意. 她可以如何表達? 請上討論區發表你的說法.

A: Dana Murphy老師提出幾個例句:
"As a matter of fact, I did have a couple of things I wanted to mention to you." 
"As a matter of fact, I do have a couple of problems I'd like to talk 
about." (here we can use past or present tense)
"I'm glad you came by. Overall we've been happy but I have a problem with two of your products."
"Yes, actually, I have a problem with last week's delivery. We ordered 200 knee braces but we received 300?"
10. Q: 在此對話中, A的名字是 _____________ B的名字是 __________

A: A是Vance Fremont, B是 Ms. Dunlop.
Scene4. Dialog Scene4. Quiz
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