個人公關與口語傳播------------------------Christina 講義 (Class Note)

Scene3. Dialog Scene3. Quiz
Scene3. Class Note: A successful restaurant ad


1. Q: A和B可能的工作關係是 ___________?

A: Dana Murphy老師說:Advertising sales rep 廣告業界代表 and customer 客戶.

2.  Q: 為何 Mr. Davenport 要告訴 Linda 他的生意很好? 你認為呢 ? 請上討論區與我們分享你的看法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說:To A thank her. He also wants to provide her with feedback.他要告訴 Linda廣告的效果.感謝她. He is in a business where he will likely need her services again, and he should cultivate positive relationships with everyone. (it can only help his restaurant)
3. Q: 我們如何知道這對話是在電話中進行的?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: Mr. Davenport說, "Linda? It's Michael Davenport." He's confirming it's her voice on the other end of the line and telling her it's him - they must not be seeing each other in person.

4. Q: Mr. Davenport 說 "We've been packed ever since those ads come out."換句話說,就是___________請上討論區與我們分享你的講法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說:It means they have had many customers, so many in fact that they are "packed in" tightly (just an expression - they're not really uncomfortable) and the place is crowded with people. 客人很多,擠滿了人. 就是客滿的意思了. 其他表達的方式有:
"We've had a full house every night."
"We've been crowded every night."
"Business is booming!"

5. Q: Mr. Davenport說他餐館的生意好得很,他用 'be packed' -- as in "We've been packed..." 來形容,packed 是甚麼意思呢?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: To be so full that you're "packed in" tightly. (很擠的電梯就說 packed.) A crowded elevator is "packed." In this case it doesn't mean that they're so crowded that people are uncomfortable - but "packed" has become a standard term for a restaurant to describe very busy, lots of customers, people waiting to get in. (packed 就成了說餐廳"客滿"的標準用法)

6. Q: Linda表示友善與熱情, 說 "That's wonderful! Save a seat for me!" 還有其他表達的方式嗎? 請上討論區與我們分享你的看法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說:
"That's great! I'm thrilled for you!"
"All right! I knew you'd be a hit!"
"Good for you! You're the toast of the town, eh?"
"I'm so glad!
"Wonderful! I thought you would get a good response!"
"I'm glad the ads paid off for you!"

7. Q: 整個對話的口氣是_______?

A: Informal 非正式的口氣.

8. Q: 在這段對話中, A的名字是________,B的名字是 _____________

A: A的名字是 Michael Davenport, B的名字是 Linda.

Scene3. Dialog Scene3. Quiz
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