如何自學一口流利的英文------------------Christina 講義 (Class Note)

Scene1. Dialog Scene1. Quiz
Scene1. Class Note: A printing problem


1. Q: A與B兩人的工作關係是 ___________? 

A: Dana Murphy老師說: Supervisor and secretary. A is the superior, B is the employee. A says, "I know I'm supposed to be the boss." A是老板,B是僱員.
2.  Q: 為何A要說,"I'm supposed to be the boss" ?請上討論區發表你的看法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說: Because the boss is supposed to be the one with all the answers! Bosses give orders and know a lot of things, he is implying that he "shouldn't have to" ask for help for something simple like printing out a document from a computer. 因為老板要發號司令的,他通常知道要做甚麼.這次倒難倒他了.
3. Q: 老板說,他不知道怎麼做,"I'm at a complete loss." 還有別的講法嗎? 請上討論區發表你的看法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說: It means he has absolutely no idea what to do.
"I'm stumped."
"I have no idea how to do this."
"I don't have the foggiest idea how to do this."
"I haven't the faintest idea how to do this."
4. Q: How do you get this thing to work? -- 這是比較隨便輕鬆的口氣,有更正式的說法嗎? 請上討論區發表你的說法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說: yes, it is a casual way of speaking.
How do you make it work?
How do you get this printer to work? 
5. Q: B 問說, "What seems to be the problem?" 她也可以說, "What is the problem?" 嗎 ?用 seems比較客氣嗎 ?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: Yes, she could say "What is the problem?" "seems" isn't necessarily more polite exactly, it's more casual and more conversational. Without the word "seems", though, it is not rude or harsh. 用'seems'比較像口語對話.

6. Q: A 說 "I thought ..." 我還以為,他可以用現在式嗎? "I think all I have to do is push this button here to print." 意思不同嗎 ?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: He could say, "I think all I have ..." ? and it does not change the meaning. 意思不變.
"I thought" just means/implies that he has always thought, always (up until now) had the notion that it was a pretty simple task. NOW what he had previously thought is being challenged, he is finding out that what he had always thought is wrong! 用 I thought表示過去他都這麼想,現在他在修正他的想法.

7. Q: B 說"Well, that's fine." What is fine? --這指的是甚麼?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: What is "fine" is his idea that all you have to do is push the print button. 老板的觀念沒錯,只要按這個鍵就可以印了. She means he is right, and you normally would just have to push the print button, but there's a problem: this computer prints on two different printers, so you have to select one. "That's fine" is not the way most people would say this - they'd probably be more clear: 說得更明白些:

"Yes, usually you would just press that, but ?
"You're right, on most computers that is how you print. However, on this one...?"
8. Q: 在這對話中, A的名字是________________ ,B的名字是 _____________

A: A的名字是 Mr. Wilson, B的名字是Lynn.

Scene1. Dialog Scene1. Quiz
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