如何自學一口流利的英文------------Christina 講義(Dialog)
Dialog Class Note Quiz
( Christina講義分三部分,即 Dialog / Class Note / Quiz,請先看完Scene1. Dialog,然後到Scene1. 的Class Note與Quiz 做練習,依此類推,效果最好!)
Scene 1. Dialog: A printing problem 

A : All right, Lynn. I know I'm supposed to be the boss here, but I am at a complete loss! How do you get this thing to work? 

好吧,Lynn. 我知道我該是老板,可是我完全搞糊塗了. 這個怎麼弄呢?
B : Let me take a look , Mr. Wilson. What seems to be the problem? 

讓我看一看, Mr. Wilson. 可能是甚麼問題呢?
A : Well, I thought all I had to do was push this button here to print.

B : Well, that's fine, but we have two printers here. You have to tell the computer which printer you want to use. 

那是沒錯. 可是,我們有兩台印表機, 您得告訴電腦你要用哪台印表機.
Scene1. Class Note Scene1. Quiz
Scene 2. Dialog: Rebooting a computer 


A : Excuse me, Mr. Foster? I was doing fine up to now, but then I got stuck. I think the keyboard's frozen. 

對不起,Mr. Foster? 我一直都進行得好好的,直到現在,我被卡住了. 我想鍵盤已經鎖死了.
B : Let me take a look. Yes, you're going to have to re-boot the system. Take your disk out and press the Alt, Delete and Control keys simultaneously.   

讓我看一看. 妳是得重新開機了.把磁片拿出來,同時按 Alt, Delete 和 Control 鍵.
A : I see. Okay. The system's come back up. But I'm still not sure what I did wrong. Could you watch what I'm doing for a minute? 

B : Certainly. Go ahead and I'll see if I can spot the problem.

當然可以. 你做吧,我看看能不能找出問題在哪兒.
Scene2. Class Note Scene2. Quiz
Scene3. Dialog: Smooth training progress


A : Good work, Jeremy. It usually takes people a lot longer to get a grip on this. 

做得好, Jeremy. 一般人得花更多時間才把這點學好.
B : Well, I've had some practice with this package. Once you know the commands, it's pretty smooth sailing.  

嗯,我在這套軟體上曾經有過一些練習. 一旦知道指令,就一帆風順了.
A : That's true. Now that you know the basics, let me show you some more advanced functions. 

說的沒錯. 現在你有了一些基本觀念,讓我來展示一些高階的功能給你看看.
B : Great! Go right ahead. 

太好了. 就開始吧!
Scene3. Class Note Scene3. Quiz
Scene4. Dialog: Searching for a Document


A : Elizabeth? I can't locate the document I was working on yesterday. Do you have any idea what to do? 

Elizabeth ? 我找不到昨天我在做的那個文件檔.妳知道甚麼法子嗎 ?
B : Are you positive that you saved it?  

A : I'm sure I did. I worked on it all afternoon and then I saved it. I just had a few changes to make this morning and now I can't find it. 

我肯定我存了. 整個下午,我都在做,然後我存了檔. 今天早上,我有一些要改變的地方,現在我就找不到檔案了.
B : I'm not sure what to tell you, Ted. Have you done a directory search?   

我不知道要告訴你甚麼才好, Ted. 你做了目錄搜尋嗎?
Scene4. Class Note Scene4. Quiz
Lisa 會客室
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