請注意觀察以上的對話: |
1. |
Q: A和B可能的工作關係是 ___________? A: Dana Murphy老師說: Computer instructor/trainer and student.
2. |
Q: to get a grip on this --這是甚麼意思 ? 有別的說法嗎?請上討論區與我們分享你的看法.
A: Dana Murphy老師說: It means to understand it.
其他說法有 other ways to say "get a grip"
"to get a handle on it"
"to grasp"
"to understand"
"get comfortable with"
3. |
Q: B說, "I've had some practice with this package." 他也可以說 "I've
practiced using this package before."嗎 ?
A: Dana Murphy老師說: Yes, B could say that. It means about the same thing.意思一樣.
4. |
Q: B說 'it's pretty smooth sailing.' He is not going sailing. 他可不是坐帆船出海去. 這是甚麼意思 ?請上討論區與我們分享你的講法. A: Dana Murphy老師說: It means that something is going well, the water is "calm" and "smooth" and it couldn't be better. (this is a metaphor, it doesn't have to be "water" that is smooth!) When you sail a boat you hope for smooth sailing, not rough. It means there are no problems
in the way. 一帆風順,很順利. It can be used for ANYTHING. Examples:
"Well, I finally mailed out the wedding invitations. The planning will be smooth sailing from here on out."
"Joey's transition to the new school has been easy. Second grade will be smooth sailing from now on."
5. |
Q: A說 'That's true.' 指的是甚麼 ?
A: That she agrees with the man 'Once you know the commands, it's pretty smooth sailing.'
6. |
Q: Know the basics -意思是 "know the basic concepts?"嗎? "the basics"是複數嗎?
A: Dana Murphy老師說: Yes, basics mean the basic concepts. Something basic is something
FUNDAMENTAL, the base of something, the foundation on which it rests. 基本概念.The
"basics" are plural. So the sentence is "The basics are easy to learn" (not
IS easy to learn). 複數形式. It is plural because "the basics" is short for "the basic
concepts" or "basic ideas" so we call them "the basics."
7. |
Q: 比較這兩句有何差別?
"Now that you know the basics, let me show you some more advanced functions."
"Since you know the basics, let me show you some of the more advanced functions."A:
Dana Murphy老師說: These basically mean the same thing. 差不多一樣.唯一的差別是,'now that you know the basics' 可能是他原來不知道,現在說話的人教會他,所以他知道了basics. The only difference is the one that starts with "now that you know" implies the person did not know and now they do - perhaps because the speaker just taught them! (若用 since you know the basics, 並沒有指出這人原來不知, 只說,既然你知道basics)
8. |
Q: 可以說 'advance functions" 嗎? 還是一定要用 'advanced functions'? A:
Dana Murphy老師說: It is "advanced functions." Function is a noun, advanced is an adjective
used to describe the noun. 進階,難度高的功能.如果說了 'Advance function'這好像在說功能是"前進"的功能,就像 Delete 鍵,是消除鍵, Advance,前進功能.
9. |
Q: B很想快快學高一級的功能,請A快教他,他說, "Great! Go right ahead!" 還有別的說法嗎 ? A:
Dana Murphy老師說:
"Please do."
"Go for it!"
"Show me!"
10. |
Q: 在這對話中, A的名字是________________ ,B的名字是 _____________ A:
A的名字未知. B的名字是 Jeremy.