如何自學一口流利的英文------------------Christina 講義 (Class Note)

Scene4. Dialog Scene4. Quiz
Scene4. Class Note: Searching for a Document


1. Q: 這兩個人的工作關係可能是____________?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: We can't really tell. A may be the boss, B the secretary. Or they're just coworkers. 可能是同事,也可能A是是老板,B是祕書

2.  Q: 這段對話可能是在早上進行嗎? 如何推斷 ? 請上討論區說一說你的判斷.

A: 醫院或診所,因為來訪的是提供醫療器材的公司 (Walker Medical Services)
3. Q: A 說找出檔案,他用, 'locate' 而不是 'find' -- 是不是聽來比較專業一點?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: Yes, it sounds more professional. I wouldn't say it, but many people would.
4. Q: A 說 找不到他昨天建的檔案, "I can't locate the document I was working on yesterday. " 還有別的講法嗎? 請上討論區說一說你的講法.

A: Dana Murphy老師提供了: 

"I was working on an important document yesterday and now I can't find it!"
"Yesterday I was working on a very important document. I KNOW I saved it and now I can't find it!"
5. Q: B 說 "Are you positive" -- 聽起來像是比較專業 'professional' 的用法 ?請比較 "Are you sure that you saved it?"

A: Dana Murphy老師說: 對的,用 'positive'比較專業,比較正式. Yes, you are right, it's more "professional", more formal. Are you 
positive and "are you sure" mean exactly the same thing, except as I say, "positive" is more professional and formal.

6. Q: A 說 "I'm sure I did. " 如果他說, 'I'm positive I did." 聽來如何?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: Again, these mean the same thing. 比較專業,比較正式. 
7. Q: B不肯定要怎麼辦,說, "I'm not sure what to tell you." 還有別的講法嗎 ?請上討論區說一說你的講法.

A: Dana Murphy老師提供了:
"I don't know what to tell you."
"I'm sorry, I don't have a magic formula to find it."
"I'm sorry, I wish I could help."
"I'm at a loss, I'm sorry, I just don't know what else to try."

8. Q: "你做了目錄搜尋嗎? " "Have you done a directory search?"還有哪些可能的講法?

A: Dana Murphy老師提供了:

"Have you searched the directories?"
"Have you checked the hard drive?"
"Let me show you how to search all the files."
"Let's see if we can search the directories, does your computer have a "find file" command?"
"You should be able to search for it, let's take a look."
"Do you have Windows? Because it has an "explore" option that can help."
10. Q: 在此對話中, A的名字是 _____________ B的名字是 __________

A: A的名字是 Ted . B的名字是 Elizabeth.
Scene4. Dialog Scene4. Quiz
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