如何自學一口流利的英文------------------Christina 講義 (Class Note)

Scene2. Dialog Scene2. Quiz
Scene2. Class Note: Rebooting a computer


1. Q: A和B的工作關係是 _____________?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: He is the computer instructor, she is the student.也有可能就是同事.
2.  Q: I got stuck -- A說這話是甚麼意思?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: "I got stuck" means I ran into a problem, like "I came up against a brick wall", "I couldn't go any further" I was making progress but then I stopped making progress ("got stuck" is a perfect term for it)本來一直好好的,不知怎麼,一下子就撞牆,不會往下走了.
3. Q: "The keyboard's frozen." 意思是 "the keyboard is frozen " 換句話說,就是 __________?

A: The keyboard's stuck. Dana Murphy老師說: Frozen or stuck are the best. Or "the keyboard won't work anymore," or "the keyboard's not responding." 鍵盤沒反應的時候,通常也是電腦整個停頓不動的狀態. Keyboards do get frozen, but even more common is the "computer is frozen." 就是我們這兒說的,"當機"了.
4. Q: 請比較:
You're going to have to reboot the system.
You need to reboot the system.

A: Dana Murphy老師說: These mean basically the same thing and are interchangeable.都可互通.
5. Q: simultaneously --"同一時間內" 這是很常用字嗎 ? 請上討論區發表你的看法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說: No, not usually, but sometimes. They would likely say, "Press control-alt-delete all at the same" or "hold down control-alt-delete at the same time." It's not "weird" though for people to say simultaneously. It's a big/long word but its not a pretentious or "tough" word - everyone knows what it means. 不能算是太艱澀的字,很多人都認得這字.
6. Q: 這幾句都一樣嗎? 

"press the Alt, Delete and Control keys simultaneously."
"press the Alt, Delete and Control keys all at the same time."
"Press the Alt, Delete and Control keys at the same time."

A: Dana Murphy老師說: These all mean the same thing. 

7. Q: The system's come back up -- The system has come back up. "up"在此有甚麼意思 ?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: The system was "down" but now it's "up" as in "up and running." 原來當機,現在又好了,開始運作

8. Q: The system's come back up, 還有別的講法嗎? 

A: Dana Murphy老師說: The system is up and running again.

9. Q: "Could you watch what I'm doing for a minute?" 她想請A看看她操作.還有別的講法嗎 ?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: 

"Could you watch me work for a minute?" 
"Could you look over my shoulder and watch me for a minute?"

10. Q: 如果A想知道剛剛她哪裡做錯了,她想重覆原來的步驟,請B看看.A可以怎麼說? 請上討論區發表你的說法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說: "How about if I try again and you watch me and you can tell me what I did wrong."

11. Q: B 說 'Certainly.' 他很願意幫忙... 還有其他講法嗎? 請上討論區發表你的說法.

A: Dana Murphy老師說:
Of course.
No problem.
Yes, of course, go ahead.

12. Q: 在這對話中, A的名字是________________ ,B的名字是 _____________

A: A的名字未知. B的名字是 Mr.Foster.

Scene2. Dialog Scene2. Quiz
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