請注意觀察以上的對話: |
1. |
Q: A和B可能有的工作關係是 _________
A: Dana Murphy老師說: Coworkers. It doesn't sound like they're in a training situation.
2. |
Q: 'get a kick out of something' 是甚麼意思?
A: Dana Murphy老師說: To enjoy it, to be delighted, even amused!
3. |
Q: 我們可以假設 Bob 年紀 比 A大嗎?
A: Dana Murphy老師說: I don't think we can assume that. 我們不能如此斷定.
4. |
Q: B 說, "I haven't done much with this software package." 他也可以說,"I haven't used this software package much."嗎?
A: Dana Murphy老師說: Yes, that is fine.
5. |
Q: A 說, "With this package, you can do all of your slides on the computer." 用電腦怎麼做幻燈片呢? 如果你用過電腦做幻燈片,請上討論區談談你的經驗.
A: Dana Murphy老師說: I think "do slides" means to make slides (actually make them on computer就在電腦上做 , or download your own 下載自己的圖片, scan your own 掃描進去and then manipulate them within the program.再利用軟體操作) SO, yes it is to make digital images and line them up and make a "slide show." 做成數位的圖像,排列開來,像放映幻燈片一般.
6. |
Q: "You can even move them around, enlarge them or shrink them." 和 "You can move them around, enlarge them or shrink them."比較起來,第二句沒用 even, 語氣有何差別?
A: Dana Murphy老師說: The "even" just stresses how fantastic this is! (even表現出這有多麼棒!) Like, "WOW! You can EVEN ...?" It adds an unwritten "wow!" sentiment. Both of these sentences mean the exact same thing, it's just that with the "even" in there you are implying
that this is in some way incredible, extra special!
7. |
Q: 比較
(1)That's going to make my presentations a lot simpler.
(2) That would make my presentations a lot simpler.
兩句有何不同? 請上討論區發表你的看法.
A: Dana Murphy老師說: "That's going to"
implies he plans on using this program. It WILL enhance his presentations.
"That would make..." ? has a different implication.
就暗示了他不見得會用.It implies that IF he were going to use
that program, it would do good things, however it sounds like he has no plans to use it! 如果他用的話,可以做很多事.
8. |
Q: "Why don't you show me how yow do that?" 還有別的說法嗎?
A: Dana Murphy老師說:
"How about we sit down sometime and you show me how to do it?"
"Will you teach me this program?"
"Would you go over the basics of this program with me? Get me started?"
"I'd love to learn. Would you care to help me get started?"
9. |
Q: 在這對話中, A的名字是________________ ,B的名字是 _____________ A: A的名字是Joan . B的名字是Bob.