請注意觀察以上的對話: |
1. |
Q: A和John兩人的工作關係可能是 __________? A: Dana Murphy老師說: Coworkers. 同事
2. |
Q: John如此討厭電腦,我們可以假設他的年紀比較大嗎 ?
A: Dana Murphy老師說: I don't know if we can safely assume this, but the reason I might assume
this is because he is so uncomfortable with computers. People who are older and "missed" the computer boom are somewhat afraid of computers. 不能用年紀來論斷一個人是否會怕電腦. 只是年紀長一點的人可能錯過了電腦狂熱期,比較會怕電腦.
3. |
Q: "word processor" 是一個字還是兩個字?
A: Dana Murphy老師說: Two. Word processor.
4. |
Q: John 對電腦的反應是 : "Not me! I hate computers." 有沒有別的講法?
請上討論區發表你的說法. A: Dana Murphy老師說:
"Oh, No. not for me. I hate computers."
"That's easy for you to say! I can barely turn on a computer!"
"I don't even like computers!"
"I don't like ANY computers - no matter how easy they are!"
"Computers are just not my thing!"
5. |
Q: John一 說完他討厭電腦. A 對就John 說. "No, really. " 她指的是甚麼? 是這樣嗎? "No, it's not true that you hate computers."
請上討論區發表你的看法. A:
Dana Murphy老師說: The "no, really" means "No, you won't hate this one, you REALLY will like
it." 不會的,這個不一樣,你會喜歡這個的. We can also say:
"Trust me - it really is easy."
"I mean it, you'll love this one."
6. |
Q: "It's all at the touch of a button."換句話說__________?
A: Dana Murphy老師說:
It means that you just touch a button and your desired action happens.
Press "control P" and it prints, press "control B" and
your text is made bold, etc. Other ways to say SIMILAR thing, but not
exactly the same:類似的講法:
"It's all right there at your fingertips."
"The computer does the work for you."
7. |
Q: 好的文書處理軟體有哪些特色呢?
請上討論區發表你使用word processor的經驗. A:
Dana Murphy老師說: A good word processor is easy to use, has many tools, such as spell
check, text editing, shortcuts (keyboard commands), has helpful icons on the
toolbar so you can easily find "undo," "clipboard," etc. and has many capabilities beyond just typing and saving your document.
8. |
Q: John 最後還是沒被說服. 如果A要繼續說服John,她可以怎麼說呢 ? A:
Dana Murphy老師說:
"Look, just let me show you. I'll type one letter, edit and spell check it, change the font and even add a graphic. You'll SEE how easy it is to
use!" 打一封信給他看,在電腦上可做修改,查拼字,變字形,甚至加圖畫.
"Okay, we'll type one paragraph. You'll hit ONE key and the text will become bold, italicized, larger, smaller . . . Trust me - let me show you!"
9. |
Q: 在這對話中, A的名字是________________ ,B的名字是 _____________ A:
A的名字未知. B的名字是John.