面試技巧與創業經驗談---------------------Christina 講義 (Class Note)

Scene3. Dialog Scene3. Quiz
Scene3. Class Note: Promoting Yourself


1. Q: Ms. Montgomery可能的職位是___________?

A: Tim Newfields老師說: probably a personnel manager 人事部的經理 or sales director 或銷售部主任 

2.  Q: A說, I'd like to put my name in for John Jacobs' position. 有哪些類似的說法?請想一想,上討論區與我們分享.

A: Tim Newfields老師建議:
(1) "I'd like to apply for John Jacobs' position."
(2) "I'm interested in applying for John Jacobs' position."
(3) "I'd like to be considered for the position John Jacobs held."
(4) "I wanted to let you know I'm interested in John Jacobs' position."
3. Q: A說他想報上名字申請某空缺. 用
(1) I'd like to put my name in for John Jacobs' position.
(2) I'd like to put my name out for John Jacobs' position.

A: Tim Newfields老師說: (1)句是報上名字申請某空缺 (2)句則是把風聲放出去, A想要John Jacobs的缺. A 可能會對他的同事和朋友提這件事.

4. Q: Ms. Montgomery 問道: "How much sales experience do you have?" 還有別的講法嗎?

A: Tim Newfields老師建議:
(1) "What sort of experience in sales do you have?"
(2) "What kind of background do you have in sales?"
(3) "How extensive is your sales background?"
(4) "Could you outline your sales background for me?

5. Q: A說他曾經做過 Rothmans百貨公司的銷售部副主任,用
(1) I was an assistant sales director at Rothmans, the department store.
(2) I was Assistant Sales Director at Rothmans, the department store.

A: Tim Newfields 老師說:
如果 A 說: I was an assistant sales director at Rothmans, the department store.
那麼有可能在那家百貨公司有好幾位 assistant sales directors,他是其中一位.

如果A說 : I was Assistant Sales Director at Rothmans, the department store.
若 Assistant Sales Director 大寫,意味這百貨公司就只有一位 Assistant Sales Director.
6. Q: 注意聽聽 Ms. Montgomery說: Why don't you bring me a copy of your resume and we can talk about it. 她的口氣,最後是問號還是句號,若是句號,語調是下降的.若是問號,那語調是上揚的.各有何差別?

A: Tim Newfields 老師說: 比較客氣的方式就是用問號,上揚的語調結束.
若是直接要求的口氣,就會是下降的語調,句號結尾. 在此以句號結尾.顯出 Ms. Montgomery用的是較權威性的口氣.

7. Q: 履歷 用"resume" 和 "C.V." 有何不同?

A : Tim Newfields老師說: The term "resume" 來自法文,在北美區廣為使用. the term "C.V." (an拉丁文 curriculum vitae的簡寫) 是在歐洲和講英式英文的地方通行. 對很多美國人而言, C.V.聽來太正式了. Resume比較通用. 如果你只聽過 resume而沒聽過 C.V.,你就知道你過去一直學的是美式英語.
8. Q: 假設 A想要的工作是和 Sales無關的職務,他不想強調他過去在Sales方面的經驗,他對在Rothmans百貨公司的工作該如何措辭呢?

A: Tim Newfields老師說: The key is not to mention sales directly, 重點就是別提 Sales.

(1) "Before working here, I was an assistant director at Rothmans, a local business."

(2) "Before starting here, I worked at Rothmans - a local business - as an assistant director."

(3) "I served as an assistant director at a local business named Rothams before coming here."

9. Q: 在這對話中, A的名字是________________ ,B的名字是 _____________

A: A的名字未知. B的名字是 Ms. Montgomery.

10. Q: 這個對話的口氣是正式還是非正式的口氣? 

A: Tim Newfields老師說: 這對話用到 "Hi" and "talk about it" 是屬於非正式的措辭方式.

Scene3. Dialog Scene3. Quiz
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