面試技巧與創業經驗談---------------Christina 講義(Dialog)
Dialog Class Note Quiz
( Christina講義分三部分,即 Dialog / Class Note / Quiz,請先看完Scene1. Dialog,然後到Scene1. 的Class Note與Quiz 做練習,依此類推,效果最好!)
Scene 1. Dialog: A Job-seeking Interview

A : Thank you for your application, Mr. Sweeney. Mr. Jacobs would like to set up an interview for early next week. Do you have time?

多謝你申請, Mr. Sweeney. Mr. Jacobs想下週初約你面談.你有空嗎?
B : Yes, ma'am. I could come in any day next week, except for Friday morning.

有的,女士. 我下週都可以,除了星期五早上不行.
A : Fine. Let me take a look at his schedule. He's free on Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. Could you come in then?

好.讓我看看他的行事曆. 他週二下午一點半有空.你能來嗎 ?
B : Yes. That would be fine.

好的. 那可以.
Scene1. Class Note Scene1. Quiz
Scene 2. Dialog: Reviewing Employment contract


A : Excuse me, Mr. Rodriguez? Could I speak with you for a moment?

對不起, Mr. Rodriguez? 我能和一您談一下嗎?
B : I can't just now, Susan. Could we get together this afternoon? What's it about?

現在不行, Susan. 能不能下午再碰面? 是關於甚麼事?
A : Well, I'd like to talk about my new contract with you, if that's all right.

嗯, 如果可以的話,我想談談新的(僱用)合約.
B : Oh, that's right. It's that time of the year, huh? That's fine. How about if we meet at 3:30 this afternoon?

對了,又到了每年的這個時候了,是吧 ? 好的,我們下午三點半見面談.
Scene2. Class Note Scene2. Quiz
Scene3. Dialog: Promoting Yourself 


A : Hi, Ms. Montgomery. I'd like to put my name in for John Jacobs' position.

嗨, Ms. Montgomery. 我想報上我的名字申請 接任 John Jacobs的職位.
B : I didn't know you were interested. How much sales experience do you have ?

我不知道你對此有興趣. 你有多少銷售經驗?
A : Actually, quite a lot. Before I started with this company, I was Assistant Sales Director at Rothmans, the department store.

實際上,不算少.在到這個公司之前,我曾經做過 Rothmans百貨公司的銷售部副主任.
B : Why don't you bring me a copy of your resume, and we can talk about it.

Scene3. Class Note Scene3. Quiz
Scene4. Dialog: An interview problem


A : Well, I really just have two problems with this.

B : Yes, sir?

A : I'm concerned about your lack of marketing experience and, frankly, your age. You're pretty new at all this.

我擔心你在行銷方面的經驗不足,還有,坦白說,你的年紀, 這方面的工作,還完全是個新手. 
B : I can understand that. Let me see if I can clarify some things for you.

我能了解你的擔憂. 讓我為您解說看看. 
Scene4. Class Note Scene4. Quiz
Lisa 會客室
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