面試技巧與創業經驗談---------------------Christina 講義 (Class Note)

Scene4. Dialog Scene4. Quiz
Scene4. Class Note: An interview problem


1. Q: 在第一句, A說,我就只有兩點疑慮.

Dana Murphy 老師建議把'just'的位置改變一下,你可比較看看這兩句的說法: 

(1) I really just have two problems with this.
(2) I really have just two problems with this.

A: just 用來說明,只有兩個問題. 不是三個問題...你覺得這樣是不是更清楚呢? 這不是甚麼嚴重的錯誤.
你說話的時候,會不會考慮怎麼說比較符合你的本意? 學英文,真要要頭腦,你同意嗎?請上討論區與我們分享,在此你會選擇(1)或(2)句,為甚麼.
2.  Q: A 用 I really just have two problems. really是甚麼意思呢? 有沒有別的講法呢?

A: Dana Murphy老師說: really就是 'basically' 'truly' 'actually'換句話說, A的意思是,
"The bottom line is" , "I basically have two problems"
3. Q: B回答'Yes, sir.' 我們好像不太會用'sir', 在此 B這麼說是不是恰當? 

A: Dana Murphy老師說: Sir 在此用得很恰當,表示 B尊敬A. 雖然, B也可以說:
Yes, sir. And what are those two problems, please? 但是沒有必要多說. 話多不見得能表現你的英文功力,這點很值得深思. 初學英文的人,急於表現,用得不恰當,反而有害.
4. Q: 如果面試 B的人,是女士,你會不會改變說, "Yes, Madam" ?

A: Dana Murphy 老師說: B不該說" Madam." Madam是法文的 "Mrs." 比如說,"Madam Bouvier." 在英文,很少用.只用在很正式的場合. 相對於"sir",應是 "ma'am",但是一般人都很小心用 "ma'am,因為這意味著對方是年紀大的女人. 很多女人,不喜歡被用 'ma'am'稱呼,讓人感到老氣. 如果訪問B的女士是比B大上10歲或20歲的女士,那就可用"Yes, ma'am." 否則就直接講那個女士的名字,如 Ms. _______或 Mrs. ________.
5. Q: A提到的兩點疑慮,其中之一是 age, 這裡是指太老,還是太年輕 ?

A: Dana Murphy老師認為是:Too young. We can tell from "lack of marketing experience," and "new at this."
6. Q: A說 : I'm concerned about your lack of marketing experience and, frankly, your age. You're pretty new at all this. 在美國面試的人說這話可能引起官司,你知道為甚麼嗎?

A: Dana Murphy老師指出: Since America unfortunately is quite a litigious society and people sue each other a lot, the boss would not mention age but would instead say "frankly, your lack of experience in general. 在美國若有因年齡差異而有不同待遇,可能會引起訴訟. 所以,在此可能不講 age這個字,可以說,"your lack of experience in general.'經驗不足. 所以, A可能會說: I'm concerned about your lack of marketing experiene and, frankly, your lack of experience in general. You're pretty new at all this.
7. Q: 你認為 B可以如何回答A的問題呢? 請想一想,如果你去面試,你會如何回答?

A: 可能中文你都可以侃侃而談,英文怎麼說呢? Dana Murphy老師的建議是: 

(1) I realize I may have less experience than other candidates but I more than make up for this in my knowledge. 我的知識可以補經驗之不足.

(2) I am very well-trained and I have worked with some of the best in the field. 

(3) I may have less experience but I think that will make me work that much harder. I have much to offer and I'd like the chance to prove it. 

8. Q: 整段對話的措辭的口氣是: ____________

A: This is a business conversation, somewhat formal and it is very obvious they do not know each other. It is probably an interview. It could be classified as "informal" because they use word like "really," and contractions like "you're."

9. Q: A與B的關係是:_____________

A: Interviewer and applicant. 面試者與應徵者.

10. Q: 這對話中,A的名字是___________? B的名字是__________?

A: A,B的名字都未出現在對話中.

Scene4. Dialog Scene4. Quiz
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