如何秀出自我----------------------------------Christina 講義 (Quiz E)

Scene2. Dialog Scene2. Class Note
Scene2. Quiz 
A.生字配對  B. 片語  C.聽寫  D.看中文,說英文  E.聽力測驗  F.理解對話內容
Scene2. Quiz: Meeting a New Boss
E.  聽力測驗

1. Good morning, Mr. Montgomery. _________ from purchasing to fill in for Claire Williams. 
I been sent over  I've been sent over I've been sent
2. Oh, really? Nice to meet you. I ______ they were going to leave me here on my own!
think think that thought
3. How long __________ with the company?
have you been will you be would you be
4. Oh, about seven years. Time ______, you know.
flies fly does fly
5. Does it ever! Well, let's get started. If you could ________ this letter now, I'll see what else needs to be done.
began typing begin to type begin typing
Scene2. Quiz
Scene2. Quiz
Scene2. Dialog Scene2. Class Note
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