英文烏龍趣談-----------------------------------Christina 講義(Quiz F)

Scene3. Dialog Scene3. Class Note
Scene3. Quiz 
A.生字配對  B. 片語  C.聽寫  D.看中文,說英文  E.聽力測驗  F.理解對話內容
Scene3. Quiz: Invitation for Coffee
F. 理解對話內容

1. Why is the woman treating the man to coffee ?
She just won the lottery.
She is going on a vacation.
She has some good news.
She is happy to have a break.
2. What best describes the woman's emotion ?
3. Which statement is true?
The man is a customer of the company.
The man is going to join the woman for a cup of coffee.
The woman has to grab her wallet.
The woman works downstairs.
4. What is implied in the dialogue ?
The man knows the woman well.
The man may have been working with the woman for a while.
The man thinks the woman appears to be happy.
All of the above.
5. Which statement is not true ?
The woman is going downstairs.
The woman is going to have a cup of coffee .
The woman is going to announce some good news.
The woman is asking the man to wait for her.
Scene3. Quiz
Scene3. Dialog Scene3. Class Note
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