歌曲網路中的英文天空---------------------Christina 講義  (Quiz E)

Scene1. Dialog Scene1. Class Note
Scene1. Quiz 
A.生字配對  B. 片語  C.聽寫  D.看中文,說英文  E.聽力測驗  F.理解對話內容
Scene1. Quiz: Recommending a new software 
E.  聽力測驗

1. Bob, I think _______ going to get a kick out of this feature.
youyou'reyou are
2. What's that? Joan? I ________ done much with this software package.
havehaven'thave not
3. With this package, you can do all of your _________ on the computer. You can even move them around, enlarge them or shrink them. 
4. That's going to make my _________ a lot simpler.
5. Why don't you show me how ____ do that?
youdo youyou'll
Scene1. Quiz
Scene1. Quiz
Scene1. Dialog Scene1. Class Note
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