面試技巧與創業經驗談---------------------Christina 講義  (Quiz F)

Scene1. Dialog Scene1. Class Note
Scene1. Quiz 
A.生字配對  B. 片語  C.聽寫  D.看中文,說英文  E.聽力測驗  F.理解對話內容
Scene1. Quiz: A Job-seeking Interview
F. 理解對話內容

1. When is Mr. Sweeney's appointment with Mr. Jacobs scheduled ? 
This Tuesday afternoon.
Next Tuesday afternoon.
Friday morning.
Next Friday morning.
2. Who will interview Mr. Sweeney?
Mr. Jacobs' secretary. 
Mr. Jacobs. 
The Personnel staff.
Head of Human Resources.
3. Which statement is not true?
Mr. Sweeney is applying for a job.
Mr. Sweeney is calling to make an appointment.
Mr. Sweeney is contacted to come for an interview.
Mr. Sweeney has sent in his application.
Where is this conversation likely taking place?
on the phone.
In a restaurant.
In the hallway.
At an airport.
5. Who is likely talking on the phone with Mr. Sweeney?
Mr. Jacobs' secretary.
Mr. Jacobs' boss.
Mr. Sweeney's secretary.
Mr. Jacobs.
Scene1. Quiz
Scene1. Dialog Scene1. Class Note
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