英文烏龍趣談-----------------------------------Christina 講義(Quiz E)

Scene2. Dialog Scene2. Class Note
Scene2. Quiz 
A.生字配對  B. 片語  C.聽寫  D.看中文,說英文  E.聽力測驗  F.理解對話內容
Scene2. Quiz: Complaining about overtime
E.  聽力測驗

1. You ______ believe who's been elected to do overtime on the Baker account: Me! I've already logged in 20 hours of overtime!
2. Wow! Why so much? I thought they were getting you an assistant.
3. They were supposed to, but so far_______turned up, and I'm left on my own to do the work.
nobodynobody hasnobody's
4.This is the first break _____ had all day.
II haveI've
5. They are really _______ you into the ground. Why don't you ask for some time off? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere.
Scene2. Quiz
Scene2. Quiz
Scene2. Dialog Scene2. Class Note
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