英文烏龍趣談-----------------------------------Christina 講義(Quiz F)

Scene2. Dialog Scene2. Class Note
Scene2. Quiz 
A.生字配對  B. 片語  C.聽寫  D.看中文,說英文  E.聽力測驗  F.理解對話內容
Scene2. Quiz: Complaining about overtime
F. 理解對話內容

1. Why is the man upset ?
He is overworked.
He has been working overtime for a long time.
He is not getting a break. 
All of the above.
 2. What is the woman's attitude ?
3. What does the woman suggest the man do? 
He should hire some one to help him.
He should ask for some time off.
He should get some more sleep.
He should quit the job.
4. What is not implied in the dialogue ?
The man has a lot of work to do.
The company is short staffed.
The woman is a supervisor.
The man is taking a break right now. 
5. Which statement is true ?
The woman's job is customer service related.
The woman is sympathetic to the man's plight.
The woman asks the man to put up with overtime.
The woman is taking a long weekend off.
Scene2. Quiz
Scene2. Dialog Scene2. Class Note
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