個人公關與口語傳播-------------------------Christina 講義  (Quiz F)

Scene1. Dialog Scene1. Class Note
Scene1. Quiz 
A.生字配對  B. 片語  C.聽寫  D.看中文,說英文  E.聽力測驗  F.理解對話內容
Scene1. Quiz: Complaining to the boss
F. 理解對話內容

1. What is Ms. Walker's complaint ?
Damaged goods.
Not getting a refund . 
Bad service.
Waiting too long.
2. Why does Ms. Walker talk to Mr. Emory?
To air her discontent.
To express her anger. 
To show her concern.
To make an impression.
3. Which statement is not true?
Ms. Walker is a customer.
Ms. Walker has been a long time customer.
Ms. Walker works in the same company as Mr. Emory.
Ms. Walker knows Mr. Emory.
4. What is not mentioned in the dialogue?
The woman's name.
The man's name.
The company name.
The woman's complaint.
5. Which statement is true ?
The man is too busy to listen. 
The man does not mind being busy.
The man pays attention to the woman's complaint.
The man does not know the woman's name.
Scene1. Quiz
Scene1. Dialog Scene1. Class Note
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