如何自學一口流利的英文-------------------Christina 講義 (Quiz B)

Scene4. Dialog Scene4. Class Note
Scene4. Quiz  
A.生字配對  B. 片語  C.聽寫  D.看中文,說英文  E.聽力測驗  F.理解對話內容
Scene4. Quiz: Searching for a Document
B. 片語
片語(請填上號碼) 成績  
directory search -- locate the document --
Are you positive? --   a few changes to make -- 
Do you have any idea? --

1. 你有沒有甚麼想法?    2. 你肯定嗎?    3. 找出檔案 
4. 目錄搜尋                      5. 做些更動改變

Scene4. Quiz
(A.生字配對 )
Scene4. Quiz
Scene4. Dialog Scene4. Class Note
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