如何自學一口流利的英文--------------------Christina 講義 (Quiz F)

Scene4. Dialog Scene4. Class Note
Scene4. Quiz 
A.生字配對  B. 片語  C.聽寫  D.看中文,說英文  E.聽力測驗  F.理解對話內容
Scene4. Quiz: Searching for a Document
F. 理解對話內容

1. When does this conversation take place ?
In the afternoon.
In the morning.
In the evening.
We can't really tell.
2. What is the man's problem ?
Keyboard's frozen.
Can't locate a document.
The screen goes blank. 
The system is unstable.
3. Which statement is true ? 
The woman knows more about computers than the man.
The man is new to computers.
The man is new to the company.
The man and the woman work in the same company. 
4. Which is not implied in the dialogue ? 
The man worked on a document yesterday.
The man wants to make some changes to the document.
The woman knows the problem.
The woman suggests doing a directory search.
5. What is the man likely to do next ?  
Call tech support.
Watch the woman use the computer.
Reboot the system.
Do a directory search.
Scene4. Quiz
Scene4. Dialog Scene4. Class Note

Lisa 會客室
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